Payton Majewski

Orange Alert


Payton Majewski


Chemistry, Physics

Renée Crown University Honors Program, Research


Hello! My name is Payton Majewski and I'm a rising junior in the College of Arts and Sciences from Hamburg, New Jersey double majoring in Chemistry (BS) and Physics (BA) with a minor in mathematics. On campus, I am pursuing research in physical chemistry with the Franck research lab, applying interdisciplinary skills of computer science, biochemistry, physical chemistry, spectroscopy, and mathematics to prepare work on my honors and distinction thesis! I'm also a part of a volunteer based organization called The Food Recovery Network, the Society of Physics Students, and the Renee Crown Honors program working as a peer mentor. The endless opportunities to get involved in research, start your own creative projects, make a difference in the Syracuse community, and meet the most amazing people at SU have changed my life!