The last day of classes is nearly here, and collectively we are preparing for exams, year-end tasks and our journeys home. Just as I shared your excitement in August for the beginning of the fresh new semester, I now share some of your fatigue and need to recharge among loved ones.
As I see you off on your well-earned breaks, I want to acknowledge all we’ve been weathering together. There is so much pain and turmoil around the globe that it would have been easy to lose ourselves to anger or despair. Yet all around me I see advisors helping students navigate internships, professors guiding research, staff keeping the College running smoothly and students pursuing academic excellence. This dedication is a hallmark of our community and gives me strength and hope and much to look forward to in the year ahead.
Speaking of a well-earned break, I invite you to relax awhile with our new A&S Magazine, which has been created for you by the College’s talented communications team. This edition dives into current questions such as: How can we stay grounded in tumultuous times? How can we spot deepfakes and how should we think about AI? Is social media all good or all bad? I hope you enjoy hearing how faculty from across the College are answering these questions. I personally learned a lot and found my pride in this community strengthened.
I’ll conclude by saying that no matter your role in A&S, know that you are vital to the College’s mission to help make our world healthier, more hopeful and more humane. I am profoundly appreciative of each of you, every day. Best wishes for the rest of the semester, and I’ll see you in the new year.