Tennyson O'Donnell

Orange Alert

Tennyson O'Donnell


Degree Year: 2005

Director, Allan K. Smith Center for Writing and Rhetoric and Allan K. Smith Senior Lecturer in English Composition

PhD, Syracuse University, 2005; M.A. in English with emphasis in Composition, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, 2000. B.A. English, Brigham Young University, Hawaii Campus, 1997.

Research Interests: Composition Theory and Pedagogy,Writing Center Theory and Administration, Literary Theory/Critical Theory, Discourse of Literacy and Social Change, Cultural Criticism, History of Rhetoric.

Dissertation Title: "Intertextuality and the Rhetorical Construction of Hawai'i: Examining Text and Context Relationships Through 'The Journals of M. Leopoldina Burns'