Ken Lindblom

Orange Alert

Ken Lindblom


Degree Year: 1996

Associate Professor of English, Dean, School of Professional Development, Stony Brook University (SUNY), Stony Brook, New York.

Ph.D, in English/Composition and Cultural Rhetoric, 1996, Dissertation: Toward a Theory of Discourse Based on the Socio-Discursive Nature of Knowledge: A Synthesis of Sophistic Nomos and Gricean Cooperation.

Serving currently as Dean of the School of Professional Development (administering continuing and teacher education programs), Ken has been an English professor at Illinois State University (1997-2003) and Stony Brook University (2003-Present). His scholarship has focused on history, theory, and practice of teaching writing grades 7 through college. His latest book, co-authored with Leila Christenbury, Making the Journey: Being and Becoming a Teacher of English Language Arts 4th Edition, will be published by Heinemann in fall 2016. His 2011 Grammar Rants: How a Backstage Tour of Writing Complaints Can Help Students Make Informed, Savvy Choices about their Writing, co-authored with Patricia A. Dunn was also published by Heinemann. He work has also appeared in English Journal, College English, Rhetoric Review, Journal of Pragmatics, and several edited collections. Ken was editor of NCTE’s English Journal (2008-2013) and is now a member of the executive board of NCTE’s Conference on English Education. Ken is also very active in the United University Professions (the SUNY union), currently serving as a member of the statewide executive board and a strong advocate for teacher education.