Vani Kannan

Vani Kannan
Assistant Professor, City University of New York—Lehman College
May 2018
Assistant Professor, City University of New York—Lehman College (fall 2018)
PhD, Syracuse University,. M.A., Rhetoric & Composition, Colorado State University; B.A., Anthropology/Music, Barnard College
Dissertation: The Third World Women's Alliance: History, Geopolitics, and Form.
An interdisciplinary scholar of writing studies, rhetoric, and women's and gender studies, Vani Kannan researches writing across contexts (academic disciplines, workplaces, communities), multimodal/multigenre composition, and transnational/women-of-color feminisms. Her work has appeared in Enculturation: A Journal of Rhetoric, Writing, and Culture and Studies on Asia, and is forthcoming in the edited collection The Political Turn in the Trump Era: Writing, Democracy, Activism. Additionally, she has co-authored articles for Journal of Writing Assessment, Community Literacy Journal, Reflections: Public Rhetoric, Civic Writing, and Service Learning, Literacy in Composition Studies, and Journal of Academic Freedom. She is currently developing a book project on the Third World Women's Alliance, a group that organized against racism, sexism, and imperialism in New York City and the Bay Area during the 1970s.