About Us

Orange Alert

About Us

What we do
The primary aim of the Writing Center is to help you become a stronger, more accomplished writer. No matter which form of support you choose, writing consultants will work with you at any stage of your writing process. Each semester hundreds of students choose to visit with consultants to

  • interpret an assignment sheet, talk through ideas for a project, discuss course readings, or plan for a paper,
  • (re)consider choices with regard to audience, focus, reasoning, or organization,
  • develop ideas with greater specificity,
  • acquire research strategies, integrate scholarly sources, and apply proper documentation,
  • improve editing and proofreading skills, expand vocabulary, and better understand technical conventions of academic writing.

Writing consultants will not:

  • write a paper for you,
  • edit your paper,
  • dispute or question grades.

Appointment policies

  • All appointments require a valid, current SUID card. Students who do not have their SUID may be denied their appointment.
  • Appointments are offered in 25 and 50-minute blocks, starting on the hour and half hour. All students are restricted to a total 120 minutes per week. No exceptions. To make the most of your experience, reserve appointments several days in advance as schedules fill quickly.
  • Out of courtesy to other students, please arrive on time for all appointments you make. Cancel online (up to 4 hours before your appointment) or by calling (315.443.5289) during business hours. Missing or canceling at the last minute could result in the loss of appointment privileges for the semester. Arriving more than 10 minutes late may also result in a forfeited and missed appointment.
  • Students are welcome to drop in to see if a consultant is available, especially between the hours of 10-2, Monday through Thursday. These sessions are available on a first-come, first-served basis only.
  • Be prepared. If you've schedule a face-to-face appointment, bring your assignment, pens/pencils, readings, notes, and any prewriting notes or drafts. If this is an online chat appointment, be sure your computer has reliable broadband access and is set up in a quiet environment. Sign on to your AIM or iChat account a few minutes before your appointment and a consultant will contact you.
  • Summaries of prior face-to-face or online chat appointments are available to you. To view any of them, log in to the scheduling system, click any past appointment and click the "View Existing Forms" link.