Kronyan Nawin Jappah

Orange Alert

Kronyan Nawin Jappah

Kronyan Nawin Jappah

Kronyan Nawin Jappah

M.A. Student, Pan African Studies


African American Studies

Office: 315.443.4302

Biographic Overview

2024, expected graduate, PAS program

Kronyan Nawin Jappah is a graduate student in the Department of African American Studies in the College of Arts and Sciences, where he is working on an M.A. in Pan African Studies. Previously, he earned a master’s degree in International Relations from the University of Liberia and a bachelor’s degree in Public Administration from Cuttington University (Liberia). His overarching research seeks to examine the role of historical events and how they inform contemporary African diplomacy and the role of Africa in global governance. He is also interested in gender and development issues in Africa.