Ahmet Çelik

Ahmet Çelik
PhD Student, Critique, Image, and Politics
514 Hall of Languages
Email: acelik@syr.edu
Ahmet Celik is a PhD candidate in the Department of Religion at Syracuse University.
His research interests, in general, includes comparative political thought, Islamic political and legal theory, political philosophies of Plato and Aristotle, early modern and modern political philosophy. His dissertation project sits at the intersection of religion, philosophy, and political theory, it examines the concept of sovereignty in Islamic political thought. Moreover, his project aims to explore and understand how sovereign power is defined, justified, and limited within the context of multiple political discourses emerged in classical period of Islam. To trace Islamic conceptions of sovereignty, he pays particular attention to the notions of political authority, lawgiver, and sovereign ruler in the political writings of three leading Muslim thinkers: al-Farabi (d.950), al-Mawardi (d.1058), and al-Juwayni (d.1085).
After graduating from Marmara University Faculty of Theology, he received his MA from the Islamic Law department of the same University. While doing PhD at Marmara University on Islamic political thought, he moved to New York city as a visiting researcher at Columbia University for two years. He received his Master of Philosophy and Certificate of Advanced Study in Middle East Affairs from Syracuse University. Now, he has been working and teaching at Syracuse University since 2017.