Ernest Wallwork

Ernest Wallwork
Professor Emeritus, Religion
505 Hall of Languages
Ethics [ILM]
Professor Wallwork teaches religious ethics, bioethics, and the psychology and sociology of religion and morals. Formerly on the faculty of Wellesley College and Yale University, he came to Syracuse in 1983 after a term as Fellow of the Kennedy Institute of Ethics at Georgetown. He has been a consulting bioethicist at the National Institutes of Health and with the U.S. Navy. At Syracuse University he serves on the interinstitutional faculty of the Cultural Foundations of Medicine. He is also a practicing psychoanalyst in private practice.
REL 252 Religious Ethics and Social Issues
REL 255 Depth Psychology and Religious Ethics
REL 352 Sociology of Religion and Morals
REL 375 Religion and Ethics in Post-Freudian Depth Psychologies
REL 551 Ethics and the Health Professions
REL 600 Critical Issues/Cont. Ethical Theory
REL 600 Moral and Religious Development
REL 600 Social Justice
REL 600 Classics in Western Religious Ethics
REL 600 Classics in the Sociology of Religion and Morals
REL 600 Object Relations Theory and the Study of Religion
REL 651 Sociology and Religious Morals
REL 652 Psychoanalysis and Religious Ethics
REL 653 Postmodern Ethics
- Psychoanalyst, Washington Psychoanalytic Institute and Society
- Ph.D., Interdisciplinary degree in Religion, Ethics, Psychology and Sociology; Harvard University (1971)
- M.Div., Theology and Ethics, Yale Divinity School (1964)
- M.B.A., with distinction, Harvard Business School (1961)
- B.S., magna cum laude, Bucknell University (1959)
1990-present: 1987-1989 (administrative leave from Syracuse University): 1983-1989: 1966-1980:
- Professor, Syracuse University (full-time)
- Teaching Analyst, Washington Center for Psychoanalysis
- Faculty, Washington Psychoanalytic Institute
- Faculty, New Directions of Psychoanalysis
- Visiting Professor, The Divinity School, University of Chicago (Fall, 1992)
- Bioethicist, National Institutes of Health (part-time)
- Adjunct Professor of Medicine and the Humanities, SUNY Health Science Center, Syracuse
- Adjunct Professor of Philosophy, LeMoyne College, Syracuse
- Expert Bioethicist, National Institutes of Health (full time)
- FAES Graduate School, the National Institutes of Health
- Associate Professor, Department of Religion, Syracuse University
- Adjunct Professor of Medicine and the Humanities, SUNY Health Science Center, Syracuse
- Adjunct Professor of Philosophy, LeMoyne College, Syracuse
- Visiting Fellow, Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University (1980-82)
- Visiting Scholar, Department of Philosophy, University of Texas, Austin (1979-80)
- Associate Professor of Religious Ethics, Yale University (1977-79)
- Adjunct Associate Professor of Psychology, Yale University (1977-79)
- Assistant Professor of Religious Ethics, Department of Religious Studies, Yale University (1974-77)
- Visiting Lecturer in Religious Ethics, Yale Divinity School (1973-74)
- Assistant Professor of Sociology and Chairman of the Department of Church and Community, Union Theological Seminary (1973-74)
- Assistant Professor of Religion, Wellesley College (1970-72)
- Instructor in Religion, Wellesley College (1968-70)
- Teaching Fellow in Religion and Society, Harvard Divinity School and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences (1966-68)
- “Thinking Ethically about Terminating Therapy after Trying New Technologies.” In Jill Scharff, ed, Psychoanalysis Online 3: The Teleanalytic Setting. London: Routledge, 2017.
- “The Sociology of Religion: Historical and Contemporary Trends.” In William Parsons, ed, Religion: Social Religion. Farmington Hills, MI: Macmilllan Reference USA,2016, 139-160.
- “Thinking Ethically About Beginning Online Work.” In Jill Scharff, ed., Psychoanalysis Online 2: Impact of Technology on Development Training, and Therapy, Ch. 7, 83-92. London: Karnac Books, 2015.
- “Sexual Behavior, Medical Control of.” In Bruce Jennings, ed., Encyclopedia of Bioethics, 4th Edition. Gale-Macmillan Reference USA. 2014.
- “Addendum, Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Therapies,” In the Encyclopedia of Bioethics, 4th Edition. Gale-Macmillan Reference USA, 2014, 2572-2573.
- “Ethical Aspects of Teletherapy.” In Jill Savege Scharff, ed., Psychoanalysis Online: Mental Health, Teletherapy, Training, Ch. 8. London: Karnac Books, 2013
- “Ethics in Psychoanalysis.” In Glen O. Gabbard, Bonnie E. Litowitz, and Paul Williams, ed., Textbook of Psychoanalysis, 2nd Edition, Ch. 24, 349-366.
- "Ethical Review of Radiation Effect Narratives," in Tortured Science: Health Studies, Ethics, and Nuclear Weapons, ed. by Dianne Quigley, Amy Lowman, and Steve Wing. (Amityville, NY: Baywood Publishing Co., 2012), Chapter 11, pp.219-239.
- "Ethics in Psychoanlaysis," in The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychoanalysis, ed. G. Gabbard, E. Person and A. Cooper (New York: International Universities Press, 2005) pp. 281-297.
- "The Challenge of Teaching Freud," Teaching Freud in Religious Studies, Diane Jonte-Pace, ed. (Oxford University Press, forthcoming 2002).
- "Morality and Psychoanalysis," in The Freud Encyclopedia: Theory, Therapy, and Culture, E. Erwin and C. Gables, eds. (Routledge, 2002).
- "Clinical Ethics," in The Freud Encyclopedia: Theory, Therapy, and Culture, E. Erwin and C. Gables, eds. (Routledge, 2002).
- "Sexuality in Society. I. Social Control of Sexual Behavior," in Warren Reich, ed., Encyclopedia of Bioethics, rev. ed., Vol. 5 (Macmillan, 1995).
- "A Psychoanalytic Perspective on Religion," with Anne Wallwork, in Joseph E. Smith, ed., Psychoanalysis and Religion, Psychiatry and the Humanities Series, Vol. 11 (Johns Hopkins University Press, 1989).
- "Moral Behavior and Religion," in Rodney J. Hunter, ed., Dictionary of Pastoral Care and Counseling (Abingdon Press, 1990).
- "Cognitive/Conative Problem in Psychology and Counseling," in Rodney J. Hunter, ed., Dictionary of Pastoral Care and Counseling (Abingdon Press, 1990).
- "Moralentwicklung bei Durkheim und Kohlberg," in Hans Bertram, ed., Gesellschaftlicher Zwang und moralische Autonomie (Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag, 1986).
- "Religious Development," in John M. Broughton and D. John Freeman-Moir, eds., The Cognitive Developmental Psychology of James Mark Baldwin (Ablex Publishing Co., 1982).
- "Morality, Religion, and Kohlberg's Theory," in Brenda Munsey, ed., Moral Development, Moral Education and Kohlberg: Basic Issues in Philosophy, Psychology, Religion and Education (Religious Education Press, 1980).
- "Attitudes in Medical Ethics," in William Rogers and David Barnard, eds., Nourishing the Humanistic in Medicine: A Dialogue with the Social Sciences (University of Pittsburgh Press, 1979).
- "Ethical Issues in Research Involving Human Subjects," in Eugene Kennedy, ed., Human Rights and Psychological Research (Thomas Crowell, 1975).
- "In Defense of Substantive Rights," in Eugene Kennedy, ed., Human Rights and Psychological Research (Thomas Crowell, 1975).
- Co-author with Christopher Clulow and Caroline Sehon, Thinking about Publishing? On seeking patient consent to publish case material. Couple and Family Psychoanalysis. Vol 5, No 2 (2015), pp. 168-187.
- "Ethical Analysis of Research Partnerships with Communities," Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal, Vol 18, No 1 (2008), pp. 57-85.
- "Mourning Modern Ethics on the Couch," in William Parsons, Diane Jonte-Pace and Susan Henking, ed., "Mourning Religion" (University of Virginia Press, 2008), pp. 124-140.
- "Ethics in Psychoanlaysis," in The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Psychoanalysis, ed. G. Gabbard, E. Person and A. Cooper (New York: International Universities Press, 2005) pp. 281-297.
- “The Challenge of Teaching Freud,” Teaching Freud in Religious Studies. Ed. D. Jonte-Pace. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 238-257.
- “Sexuality in Society. I. Social Control of Sexual Behavior,” in Encyclopedia Bioethics, 3rd Edition, Macmillan.
- “Thinking Ethically with the New Ethics Code.” The American Psychoanalyst, Vol 37, No.1. Spring, 2003.
- "The Ethics of Protecting Patient Confidentiality: Disguises and Informed Consent" (in process for the Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association).
- "What Psychiatry Can Offer Ethics_Psychodynamic Contributions," in Psychiatry Annals (January 2001).
- "Psychodynamics Contributions to Religious Ethics: Toward Reconfiguring Askesis," in Annual of the Society of Christian Ethics 19 (1999).
- "Determinism, Free Will, Compatibilism," in Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association (45:1, 1997).
- "Ethics After Freud," in Criterion (Vol. 31, 1993).
- "Lay Descriptions of Common Research Procedures," with Alison Wichman, in John L. Decker, ed., Protomechanics: A Guide to Preparing and Conducting a Clinical Research Study (National Institutes of Health, 1992; second edition, 1994), Appendix I-2.
- "Clinical Research Concepts," with Robert Gordon, in John L. Decker, ed., Protomechanics: A Guide to Preparing and Conducting a Clinical Research Study (National Institutes of Health, 1992; second edition, 1994), Appendix I-3.
- "A Constructive Freudian Alternative to Psychotherapeutic Egoism," in Soundings (Fall 1986). Reprinted in Charles Reynolds and Ralph Norman, eds., Community in America: The Challenge of
- "Habits of the Heart" (University of California Press, 1988).
- "Bioethical Issues in Patient Care," in Cultural Influences on Health Care (National Institutes of Health, 1988).
- Co-author, "The Business of Business Education," Bob Howard, ed., Harvard Business School Bulletin (Fall 1986).
- "Durkheim's Early Sociology of Religion," in Sociological Analysis (46:3, 1985).
- "Sentiment and Structure: A Durkheimian Critique of Kohlberg's Moral Theory," in The Journal of Moral Education (Spring 1985).
- "Religion and Social Structure in The Division of Labor," in American Anthropologist (Vol. 86, 1984). Reprinted in Peter Hamilton, ed., Emile Durkheim: Critical Assessments (London: Routledge, 1990).
- "Thou Shalt Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself: The Freudian Critique," in The Journal of Religious Ethics (10:2, 1982).
- Review, Andrea Celenza, Sexual Boundary Violations: Therapeutic, Supervisory, and Academic Contexts, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, Vol. 57, Number 6 (Dec, 2009): 1508-1514.
- Review, Michael Guy Thompson, The Ethic of Honesty: the Fundamental Rule of Psychoanalysis, International Journal of Psychoanalysis, Vol. 86(4):1232-1237.
- Review of Peter Homans, The Ability to Mourn, in Journal of Religion (1992).
- Review of Don Browning, Religious Thought and Modern Psychologies, in Journal of Religion (January 1989).
- Review Symposium. The Critical Years by Sharon Parks. In Horizons (Winter 1987).
- Review of Philippe Besnard, ed., The Sociological Domain, in Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion (Vol. 25, 1986).
- Review of James Fowler, Stages of Faith, in Journal of Pastoral Psychology (Vol. 31, 1982).
- Review of W.S.F. Pickering, ed., Durkheim: Essays on Morals and Education, in Sociological Analysis 41 (Winter, 1980).
- Ethics Committee, American Psychoanalytic Association
- Chair, Ethics Behind the Couch Discussion Group, American Psychoanalytic Association
- Chairperson, Colleague and Patient Assistance Committee, Washington Psychoanalytic Institute
- Chairperson, Ethics Committee, Washington Psychoanalytic Society
- Chairperson, Research Division, Washington Psychoanalytic Foundation
- Board of Directors and Administrative Council, Washington Psychoanalytic Foundation
- Co-Chair, Clinical Ethics Group, The American Psychoanalytic Association
- Fellow, The Woodrow Wilson Center (1996-97)
- C.A.S. Mellon Lecturer, American University (1997)
- Dictionary of International Biography (1995)
- Psychoanalysis and Ethics selected as a Critical Book by the Society of Christian Ethics (1993)
- D.R. Sharpe Lecturer, The University of Chicago (1992)
- Fellow, Kennedy Institute of Ethics (1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997)