Timothy W. Gerken

Timothy W. Gerken
Associate Teaching Professor
Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Email: twgerken@syr.edu
Office: 315.443.1091
- PhD Education, Language, Literacy, and Learning 2006 Dissertation: Adrift of(f) Course: An Exploration of Metaphor, Methodology, and Writing Research Fordham University New York, New York
- MFA Poetry Writing 1994 Brooklyn College Brooklyn, New York
- MS English 1994 Secondary School Certification 1989 Southern Connecticut State University New Haven, Connecticut
- BS Personnel Management 1984 Clarion University of Pennsylvania Clarion, Pennsylvania
Current research is focused on metaphor and identity. Recent publication: “Repo Fem,” essay in Antagonizing White Feminism: Women’s Studies, Feminism, Gender Identity and the Academy (an edited collection), Lexington Books, December 2019.
- September 2006 to present Professor of Humanities SUNY Morrisville - Teaching composition, education, and literature courses.
- September 2004 to July 2006 Instructor John Jay College CUNY - Taught courses in composition and basic skills.
- September 1999 to June 2004 Adjunct Lecturer John Jay College CUNY - Taught courses in composition and basic skills.
- July 1999 to 2003 Adjunct Lecturer Fordham University Graduate School of Education - Taught graduate courses in curriculum studies; reading and writing across the curriculum; reading and writing in the language arts; philosophy, history and multicultural foundations of education.
- August 2001 Certified Facilitator Generating Expectations for Student Achievement: An Equitable Approach to Academic Excellence.
- Summer 2001 Co-Director 30th Annual Summer Literacy Institute Fordham University Graduate School of Education - Coordinated registration, advertising, guest speakers, and organized daily presentations and activities.
- September 1993 to June 1998 Adjunct Lecturer Medgar Evers College CUNY – Taught courses in composition and basic skills.
- September 1996 to June 1997 Creative Writing Coordinator Knowledge is Power Program (KIPP school) P.S. 156 Elementary School Bronx, New York – Taught poetry writing to fourth and fifth graders.
- September 1992 to May 1995 Adjunct Lecturer Brooklyn College CUNY - Taught courses in composition and basic skills; reader of CUNY WAT assessment test.