Tadeusz Iwaniec

Tadeusz Iwaniec
John Raymond French Professor Emeritus
304F Carnegie Library
Email: tiwaniec@syr.edu
Office: 315.443.1495
h.D. in Mathematics, University of Warsaw, 1975
Main theme of research: nonlinear analysis and geometric function theory. This includes the topics listed below.
Linear and Nonlinear Elliptic PDEs:
- Very weak solutions
- Lp-regularity theory
- Orlicz-Sobolev type estimates
- Differential forms
The Calculus of Variations:
- Weak convergence methods
- Jacobian determinants and null Lagrangians
- Polyconvex and quasiconvex functionals
- Deformations of Finite Distortion:
- Functions of one complex variable
- Quasiregular mappings in Rn and the governing PDEs
- Topological properties of weakly differentiable mappings between Riemannian manifolds
- Harmonic Analysis Methods:
- Singular integrals (sharp estimates)
- Interpolation and nonlinear commutators
- Hardy spaces
- Such general topics intersect modern areas of applied mathematics; nonlinear elasticity, material science, microstructure of crystals and so forth.
- Chancellor's Citation for Faculty Excellence and Scholarly Distinction, 2008
- Doctor of Philosophy Honoris Causa, University of Helsinki, May 25, 2007
- 60th Birthday Conference
- Foreign Member of Polish Academy of Sciences, 2005
- Polish Scholarship Fund's Pole of the Year, 2003. Post-Standard article about the award, 5/11/03
- Prix 2001 L'Institut Henri-Poincare Gauthier-Villars for the paper Quasiharmonic Fields
- William Wasserstrom Prize, College of Arts and Sciences, 2001/2002

William Wasserstrom Prize 2001/2002

L'Institut Henri-Poincare Medal
Personal Data
- Tadeusz Iwaniec, US citizen
- Employed: Department of Mathematics, Syracuse University
Educational Career
- Habilitation, 1979, University of Warsaw
- Ph.D., 1975, University of Warsaw
- MA (with Distinction), 1971, University of Warsaw
Academic Positions
- John Raymond French Distinguished Professor of Mathematics, Syracuse University, 1996-present
- Professor Syracuse University, 1986-1995
- Visiting Professor, Courant Institute, 1985-1986
- Visiting Professor, University of Texas, 1984-1985
- Visiting Professor, University of Michigan, 1983-1984
- Associate Professor, Polish Academy of Science, 1981-1983
Selected Presentations
- 2002 Presentation of "Quasiharmonic Fields", at the Ceremony of Prix 2001, Institut Henri Poincare (Paris)
- 2002 Plenary address in the Academia dei Lincei (Rome)
- 1983 Invited lecture at the International Congress of Mathematicians (Warsaw)
Graduate Students
- 2010 Derek Gustafson
- 2008 Tomasz Adamowicz
- 2003 (Spring) Uma Subramanian, completed her Ph.D.
- 2002 (Spring) J.R. Osterrieder, completed his MS
- 1998 (Fall) A.S. Almannaei, completed his Ph.D.
- 1998 (Fall) R. DeCampo, completed his Ph.D.
- 1995 (Fall) L. Budney, completed his Ph.D.
- 1994 (Spring) Q. Dawood, completed his Ph.D.
- 1993 (Summer) C. Scott, completed his Ph.D.
- 1991 (Summer) S. Habre, completed his Ph.D.
Co-Advising, PhD Students Joint with other Advisors
- 1994 Bianca Stroffolini (Univ. of Naples) completed her Ph.D.
- 1993 Luigi Greco (Univ. of Naples) completed his Ph.D.
- 2000 Anna Verde (Univ. of Naples) completed her Ph.D.
- 2002 Flavia Giannetti (Univ. of Naples) completed her Ph.D.
- 2003 Luigi D'Onofrio (Univ. of Naples) completed his Ph.D.
- 2002 Jani Onninen (Univ. of Jyvaskyla) completed his Ph.D.
Grants, Awards, Honors
- N.S.F. 2003-2006 #DMS-0244297. Collaborative Research Grant with: M. Bonk, A. Eremenko, J. Heinonen and S. Rhode
- N.S.F. 2003-2008 #DMS-0301582
- N.S.F. 2000-2003 #DMS-0070807
- N.S.F. 1997-2000 #DMS-9706611
- N.S.F. 1994-1997 #DMS-9401104
- N.S.F. 1992-1994 #DMS-9208296
- N.S.F. 1990-1992 #DMS-9007946
- N.S.F. 1988-1990 #DMS-8807924
- Prize of the President of the Polish Academy of Sciences, 1980.
- Foreign Member of Academia de Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche, Italy 1998-present.
- Alfred Jurzykowski Award in the Field of Mathematics, New York 1997.
- William Wasserstrom Prize of The Colleges of Arts and Sciences (Syracuse University 2002) for Excellence in Graduate Teaching.
- Prix 2001 Institut Henri-Poincare Gauthier-Villars (Paris, 2002), for the paper Quasiharmonic Fields, Ann. I.H. Poincare Analyse Nonlinearire (2001), 519-572.
- Chancellor's Citation for Faculty Excellence and Scholarly Distinction 2008
Six Significant Publications
- Analytical Foundations of the Theory of Quasiconformal Mappings (with B. Bojarski) Annales Acad. Sci. Fenn. (1982), 257-324.
- Geometric Functional Theory and Nonlinear Analysis (with G. Martin), monograph, Oxford University Press (2001).
- Mappings of finite distortion: Monotonicity and continuity (with P. Koskela and J. Onninen), Inventiones Mathematicae, 144 (2001), 504-531.
- Weak Minima of variational integrals, (with C. Sbordone), Journal Reine Angew. Math. 454(1994) 143-161.
- Quasiregular mappings in even dimensions, (with G. Martin), Acta Math., 170 (1993), 29-81
- p-harmonic tensors and quasireguar mappings, Annals of Mathematics, 136 (1992), 589-624
Five Publications of Recent Study
- Non-linear Cauchy-Riemann operators in Rn, Trans. AMS, Vol. 354, No 5 (2002), 1961-1995
- Estimates of the Jacobians by subdeterminants (with F. Giannetti, J. Onninen and A. Verde), Journal of Geometric Analysis, 12 No. 2 (2002), 223-254.
- The failure of rank-one connections (with G. Verchota and A. Vogel), Arch. Rational Mech. Anal. 163 (2002), 125-169.
- Quasiharmonic fields (with C. Sbordone), Ann. I.H. Poincare-AN 18, 5 (2001), 519-572
- Mappings of BMO-bounded distortion (with K. Astala, P. Koskela and G. Martin), Mathematische Annalen 317 (2000), 703-726.
Recent Preprints are available on arXiv
Mathematical Associates
- Ph.D. Advisor: Professor Bogdan Bojarski (Polish Academy of Sciences)
(May 24, 2017)
Tadeusz Iwaniec awarded 'Doctor Honoris Causa in Mathematical Engineering' at ceremony in Italy
(March 22, 2016)
Students, faculty benefit from three major grant awards from National Science Foundation