Sevinç Türkkan

Sevinç Türkkan
Assistant Teaching Professor
Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
233 HB Crouse Hall
Office: 315.443.1123
Educational Background
Dr. Türkkan earned a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of Illinois-Urbana with specialization in Translation Studies, Cross-Cultural Pedagogy, and Certification in Gender and Women Studies.
Dr. Sevinç Türkkan joins the Department of Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition as an Assistant Teaching Professor in Fall 2021. She will teach introductory and upper-division courses, participate in professional development, advising, and committee service.
Before joining Syracuse University, Dr. Türkkan taught at Binghamton University, University of Rochester-Eastman School of Music, and Oberlin College, where she worked with multilingual students interested in languages, literary translation, and cross-cultural studies.
Her research examines intersections between translation and writing pedagogy, multilingualism, the monolingual paradigm, cross-cultural studies, and anti-racist writing and assessment practices. Her research closely informs her teaching as confirmed by the MLA volume she co-edited with David Damrosch (Harvard Uni.), Approaches to Teaching the Works of Orhan Pamuk. Her work on cross-cultural pedagogy, translation, world literature, global book markets and circulation, and writing pedagogy has appeared or is forthcoming in publications such as Public Seminar, Reading in Translation, Comparative Literature Studies, Translation and Literature, Türkisch-Deutsche Studien Jahrbuch, Global Perspectives on Orhan Pamuk, and Teaching Translation, among others. She is a practicing literary translator across Bulgarian, Turkish, and German.
Articles, Book Chapters, Reviews
- 2021 “There is no Place Left on Earth that is Peaceful”: Zülfü Livalneli’s Disquiet, Reading in Translation, Ed. Stiliana Milkova, Oberlin College, July.
- 2021 “Juan Cardenas’ Ornamental, translated by Lizzie Davis” Hopscotch Translation, Ed. Samuel Martin, UPenn, February.
- 2020 “Word and Mirror: Burhan Sönmez’s Labyrinth” Reading in Translation, Ed. S. Milkova, Oberlin College, May.
- 2019 “Review of Orhan Pamuk and the Good of World Literature by Gloria Fisk,” Comparative Literature Studies, 56. 2: 436-440.
- 2018 “Orhan Pamuk’s Novels in German,” Türkisch-Deutsche Studien Jahrbuch, Eds. Ş. Ozil, M. Hofmann, J. P. Laut, Y. Dayıoğlu-Yücel, C. Zierau, Universitätsverlag Göttingen: 113-132.
- 2018 “Pamuk, the Storyteller: Elements of The Thousand and One Nights in The Black Book,” Orhan Pamuk: Critical Essays on a Novelist Between Worlds, Eds. B. Ulu, T. Can, K. Melikoğlu, Hannover, Germany: Ibidem-Verlag: 83-109.
- 2017 “İlhan Berk’s Poetry in English: The Book of Things and New Selected Poetry.” Translation and Literature. 26.1: 132-143.
- 2017 “Orhan Pamuk’s The White Castle: Reception, Paratextual Elements, and the Politics of Translation,” Approaches to Teaching the Works of Orhan Pamuk. Eds. S. Türkkan and D. Damrosch, New York: Modern Language Association of America: 55-65.
- 2016 “Teaching Translation and World Literature: The Thousand and One Nights,” Teaching Translation. Ed. L. Venuti. New York: Routledge: 156-162.
- 2013 “Bilge Karasu,” Dictionary of Literary Biography: Post-1960 Novelists in Turkey. Eds. B. Alkan and Ç. Günay-Erkol. New York: Gale Cengage Learning, Bruccoli Clark: 134-141.
- 2012 “Orhan Pamuk’s Kara Kitap [The Black Book]: A Double Life in English,” Global Perspectives on Orhan Pamuk: Existentialism and Politics. Eds. M. Afridi and D. Buyze. London: Palgrave Macmillan: 159-176.
- 2010 “Orhan Pamuk’s Kara Kitap: (British) Reception vs. (American) Translation,” Making Connections: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Cultural Diversity, 11.2: 39-58.
- 2023 Engaged Humanities Grant for Community-Engaged Teaching and Learning, Humanities Center, Syracuse University.
- 2019 PEN Translation Award for an outstanding literary translation: The Stone Building and Other Places by Aslı Erdoğan.
- 2023 “The Role of Small Presses in Publishing World Literature in English Translation,” Small Press Reading Series, Syracuse University (invited by P. Williams), Oct. 12, 2023.
- 2022 “On the Art and Craft of Translation: The Stone Building in English Translation,” Creative Non-Fiction Reading Series (Invited by E. Schell), Syracuse University, Dec. 2.
- 2021 Guest speaker at the University of Texas at Austin, Center for European Studies, Turkish Literature in Translation Forum: The Stone Building and Other Places by Aslı Erdoğan (with translator Dr. Sevinç Türkkan), March 23.
- 2020 Panelist at “Translating the Future: Activist Translation,” CUNY- Graduate Center for the Humanities, Sept. 15.
- 2019 “Modern Turkey: Literature, Translation, Incarceration,” Institute for Global Engagement, “Year of Turkey,” SUNY-Oswego, Nov. 21.
- 2019 “Translation and Creative Writing: The Stone Building,” Writers Forum, SUNY-The College at Brockport, Oct. 16.
- 2019 “Disturbing the Peace Prize to a Courageous Writer at Risk,” Vaclav Havel Foundation, NY, Sept. 26.
- 2019 “Women in Translation Month,” PEN Translation Committee, NY, Aug. 22.
- 2021 “Translating, Solidarity, Confinement: Incarcerated Turkish Writers” American Comparative Literature Association, Chicago, IL March 19-22.
- 2020 “Translating into Our "Step-Mother" Tongue(s),” American Literary Translators Association, Rochester, NY, Nov. 7-10.
- 2018 “Orhan Pamuk beyond the Nobel Prize,” Modern Language Association of America, New York, NY, Jan. 4-7.
- 2017 “Translating The Stone Building,” American Literary Translators Association, Minneapolis, MN, Oct. 5-8.
- 2023 “The Role of Small Presses in Publishing World Literature in English Translation,” Small Press Reading Series, Syracuse University (invited by Patrick Williams), Oct. 12, 2023.
- 2022 “On the Art and Craft of Translation: The Stone Building in English Translation,” Creative Non-Fiction Reading Series, Syracuse University, Dec. 2.
- 2020 “At the Intersections of Comparative Literature, Translation, and the Middle East,” Oberlin College, Oberlin, OH, Nov. 13.
- 2017 “The Translator’s Agency: Between “Strategic” and “Situational” Translation,” University of Rochester, Sept. 26.
- 2023, “The Stone Building and Other Places,” podcast episode on Harshaneeyam.
- 2019 Translation and Human Rights, Lyn Miller-Lachmann, PEN Translation Committee, August 17.
- 2018 “The Pronoun “O” and the Poetics of Turkish Translation,” Public Seminar, November.
- 2018 “Why a UR Professor is Translating the Works of Female Writers,” talk at WXXI, Nov. 11.
- 2018 “Voice Matter: Rochester’s Role in Translating Worldwide Women Authors,” City Newspaper, 48/2, Sept. 12, pp. 10-13.
- Editorial Board Member, Syracuse University Press, 2024-present.
- Acting Judge, 2021 PEN Translation Award.
- Publications Editorial Board Member, Center for Middle Eastern Studies, University of Texas at Austin, 2017-present.