Carl Rosenzweig

Orange Alert

Carl Rosenzweig

Carl Rosenzweig

Carl Rosenzweig

Professor Emeritus


365 Physics Building

Research Interests
  • Connections between microphysics and cosmology.
  • Non standard models of the Higgs Boson at LHC.
  • Confinement in QCD and field theory.

Research Spotlight


Prof. Rosenzweig is responible for the Physics section of Syracuse University Project Advance, a cooperative partnership linking Syracuse University with secondary schools.


1972 Ph.D. in Physics Harvard University

1967 M.S. in Physics Polytechnic Institute of NY, Brooklyn

1967 B.S. in Physics Polytechnic Institute of NY, Brooklyn

Physicist to Probe 'Deep Connections' Between Life on Earth and Interstellar Space

(Oct. 10, 2018)

Professor Carl Rosenzweig will present 'Stars 'R' Us' at Wells College, benefiting Friends of Southern Cayuga Planetarium

Selected Publications

Have Mesons Composed of Charmed Diquarks Been Discovered? Phys. Rev. Let. 36, 697 (1976).

Dual Topological Unitarization: An Ordered Approach to Hadron Theory; with G.F.Chew, Phys. Reports 41, no. 5 (1978).

Is the Effective Lagrangian for QCD a Sigma Model? with J. Schechter and G. Trahern, Phys. Rev. D21, 3388 (1980).

QCD Vacuum as a Chromomagnetic Superconductor: Microscopic Physics; with V.P. Nair, Phys. Rev. D31, 401 (1985).

Stability of Black Hole Horizons and the Landau Ghost; with J. Beckenstein, Phys. Rev. D50, 7239 (1994).