Emily Robertson

Orange Alert

Emily Robertson

Emily Robertson

Emily Robertson

Professor Emerita


352 Huntington Hall
Email: eroberts@syr.edu

Research and Teaching Interests

Emily Robertson is Dual Associate Professor of Education and Philosophy in the School of Education and the College of Arts and Sciences at Syracuse University . She has served as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs of the School Education and as Interim Dean of the School and has been Chair of the Department of Cultural Foundations of Education. She was a member of the core faculty of the 2004 Summer Institute in Philosophy of Education at the University of Illinois and a visiting professor at Stanford in 2003. Professor Robertson is a Past-President of the Philosophy of Education Society. She received her doctorate in philosophy from Syracuse University and her M.Ed. in philosophy of education from Temple University . Her primary research focus is on the development and defense of fostering rationality as an educational aim. She has also written on moral and civic education and has recently become interested in the philosophy of higher education, especially the defense of academic freedom and institutional neutrality. She is author or co-author of two edited books and over 30 articles and book chapters. Recent publications include “Teacher Education in a Democratic Society: Learning and Teaching the Practices of Democratic Participation” in the 3 rd edition of The Handbook of Research on Teacher Education and “Epistemic Aims of Education” forthcoming in the Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Education.

Selected Publications

Kenneth A. Strike, Chair; Melissa Anderson, Randall Curren, Tyll Van Geel, Ivar Pritchard, Emily Robertson ,
Ethical Standards of the American Educational Research Association: Cases and Commentary (Washington, D.C.:
American Educational Research Association, 2002).

Proceedings Volume
Philosophy of Education: 1984, Proceedings of the Fortieth Annual Meeting of the Philosophy of Education Society,
Emily Robertson, Ed .(Normal, Illinois: The Philosophy of Education Society, 1985)

Articles and Book Chapters:
“Democratic Commitment,” forthcoming in Ron Glass, Ed., Philosophy of Education 2008(Urbana: Philosophy of
Education Society, 2009).
“The Epistemic Aims of Education,” forthcoming in Harvey Siegel, Ed., Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of
Education (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
“Public Reason and the Education of Democratic Citizens: the Role of Higher Education,” forthcoming in Michael
Katz and Susan Verducci, Eds., Democracy, Education and the Moral Life, in Springer’s series, Studies in
Philosophy and Education, Gert Biesta Editor-in-Chief.
“The Value of Reason,” in Leonard J. Waks, Ed., Leaders in Philosophy of Education: Intellectual Self Portraits,
(Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers, 2008), pp. 201-209.
“Remembering Tom Green,” in Leonard J. Waks, Ed., Leaders in Philosophy of Education: Intellectual Self
Portraits, (Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers, 2008), pp.301-304.
Emily Robertson, “Teacher Education in a Democratic Society: Learning and Teaching the Practices of Democratic
Participation,” in Marilyn Cochran-Smith, Sharon Feiman-Nemser, and John McIntyre, Eds., The Handbook of
Research on Teacher Education, 3rd edition (New York: Taylor & Francis Group and The Association of Teacher
Educators, 2008), pp. 27-44.
Emily Robertson, “(What) Can We Learn From Other Times and Places?” in Philosophy of Education 2006, ed.
Daniel Vokey (Urbana: Philosophy of Education Society, 2007), pp. 13-16.
Emily Robertson, “What is Knowledge,” in 35 Key Questions for Educators, John P. Portelli and William Hare, Eds.
(Halifax, N.S.: Edphil Books, 2005), pp. 7-10. Republished in the USA by Caddo Gap Press, 2007, pp. 9-12.
Randall Curren, Paul Hager, and Emily Robertson, “Analytic Philosophy of Education,” in A Companion to
Philosophy of Education, Randall Curren, Ed. (Oxford: Blackwell, 2003), pp. 176-191.
Emily Robertson, “Why Can’t We Have it All?” in Philosophy of Education 2001, ed. Suzanne Rice (Urbana:
Philosophy of Education Society, 2002),pp. 60-63.
Emily Robertson, “Teaching Without Ideals?” in Philosophy of Education 2000, ed. Lynda Stone (Urbana:
Philosophy of Education Society), pp. 51-54.
Emily Robertson, “The Value of Reason: Why Not a Sardine Can Opener?” Philosophy of Education 1999, ed.
Randy Curren (Urbana: Philosophy of Education Society, 1999), pp. 1-14. [Republished in Philosophy of
Education: An Anthology, ed. By Randall Curren (Oxford: Blackwell, 2007), pp. 448-457.]
Emily Robertson, “Aristotle and Robenstine on Moral Education,” in Philosophy of Education 1998, ed. Steven
Tozer (Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society, 1999), pp. 115-118.
Emily Robertson, "Rationality and the Reach of Philosophical Argument," in Philosophy of Education 1997, ed.
Susan Laird (Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society, 1998), pp. 483-485.
Emily Robertson, "Unity, Diversity, and Identity" in Ethical Judgment in Teaching, ed. Karl Hostetler (New York:
Allyn & Bacon, 1997), pp. 144-149.
Emily Robertson, "Response to Michael Katz: Community and Autonomy" in Ethical Judgment in Teaching, ed.
Karl Hostetler (New York: Allyn & Bacon, 1997), pp. 153-155.
Emily Robertson, "Defending Reason: The Priority of Rationality Over Ideology," in Philosophy of Education
1995, ed. Alven Neiman, (Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education society, 1996), pp. 363-371.
Emily Robertson, "Relativism," in Philosophy of Education: An Encyclopedia, ed. J. J. Chambliss (New York:
Garland Publishing, 1996), pp. 541-543.
Emily Robertson and Zeus Yiamouyiannis, "Becoming a Reflective Teacher," in University Teaching: A Guide for
Graduate Students, ed. Leo Lambert et. al. (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1996), pp. 141-146.
Emily Robertson, "Teacher Authority and Teaching for Liberation," in Philosophy of Education 1994, ed. Michael
Katz (Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society, 1995), pp. 261-264.
Emily Robertson, "Reconceiving Reason," in Critical Conversations in Philosophy of Education: From Theory to
Practice and Back, ed. Wendy Kohli (New York: Routledge, 1995), pp. 116-126.
Emily Robertson, "Philosophers, Orators, and the Role of Science in Liberal Education," in Philosophy of Education
1992, ed. H.A. Alexander (Urbana, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society, 1993), pp. 275-278.
Emily Robertson, "Is Dewey's Educational Vision Still Viable?" in Review of Research in Education, Vol. 18, ed.
Gerald Grant (Washington, D.C.: American Educational Research Association, 1992), pp. 335-381.
Emily Robertson, "Reason and Education," in Philosophy of Education 1991, ed. Margaret Buchman and Robert
Floden, (Normal, Illinois: Philosophy of Education Society, 1992), pp. 169-180.
Emily Robertson, "Moral Judgment," in Philosophy of Education 1990, ed. David P. Ericson (Normal, Illinois:
1991), pp. 376-382.
Emily Robertson, "Moral Education, Subjectively Speaking," in Philosophy of Education: 1988, ed. James Giarelli,
(Normal, Illinois: The Philosophy of Education Society), pp. 101-108.
Emily Robertson, "Teaching and Related Activities," in The International Encyclopedia of Education, ed. Thorsten
Husen and T. Neville Postlethwaite, (Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1985), pp. 5087-5091. (Reprinted in the
International Encyclopedia of Teaching and Teacher Education, ed. Michael J. Dunkin, Pergamon Press.)
Emily Robertson, "Hard Times and Hard Choices," Nexus, Vol. 6, No. 1, Winter, 1984, pp. 8-11.
Emily Robertson, "Practical Reasons, Authority, and Education," in Philosophy of Education 1983, ed. Robert
Roemer, (Normal Illinois: The Philosophy of Education Society, 1984), pp. 61-75.
Emily Robertson and Gerald Grant, "Teaching and Ethics: An Epilogue," Journal of Higher Education, 53, 3
(1982): 345-357.
Madhu Prakash and Emily Robertson, "Ethical and Metaethical Relativism: A Consideration of Moral Relativism
and Its Implications for Moral Education," in Philosophy of Education 1982, ed. Donna Kerr (Normal, Illinois,
1983), pp. 75-85.
Emily Robertson, "More Than Words Can Say: Making Room for the Tacit Dimension," in Philosophy of Education
1982, ed. Donna Kerr, (Normal, Illinois: 1983), pp. 95-105.