William Robert

Orange Alert

William Robert

William Robert

William Robert

Professor and Department Chair


501 Hall of Languages
Email: wrobert@syr.edu
Office: 315.443.3133


Women's and Gender Studies


LGBTQ Studies
Medieval and Renaissance Studies


  • PhD Religious Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2005
  • MA Religion, University of Chicago Divinity School, 1999
  • MA Interdisciplinary Studies in the Humanities, University of Chicago, 1997
  • BA Philosophy and Literature, Davidson College, 1996

Social/Academic Links

Recent Courses

  • REL 108 Religion and Its Critics
  • REL 120 Introduction to the Study of Religion
  • REL 310 Medieval Christianities
  • REL 357 Queerly Religious
  • HNR 340 We Animals
Research and Teaching Interests

William Robert teaches and writes about intersections and interactions of religion and performance. He is especially interested in limit-experiences and limit-crossings as performances of religion. He pays particular attention to mysticism, sexuality, and animality as sites where these experiences and crossings happen, focusing on case studies in ancient Greek and medieval Christian contexts. And he considers how such performances of religion can affect how we figure and refigure religion. To do so, he combines historical, textual, philosophical, and corporeal approaches to studying religion with queer theory and performance studies.

Academic Positions

Professor of Religion, Syracuse University, 2022–present
Associate Professor of Religion, Syracuse University, 2016–22
Assistant Professor of Religion, Syracuse University, 2011–16
Visiting Assistant Professor of Religion, Syracuse University, 2010–11
Postdoctoral Faculty Fellow, Syracuse University, 2006–10
Instructor of Religious Studies, Louisiana State University, 2005–6
