Tibor Palfai

Orange Alert

Tibor Palfai

Tibor Palfai

Tibor Palfai

Emeritus Professor



Email: palfai@syr.edu


Ph.D., McGill University

Research and Teaching Interests

Dr. Palfai's current research interests are examining the effects of drugs, as well as information processing in the aged. He plans to look at behaviorally oriented treatments designed to increase the information processing in the aged, and the refining of a diagnostic procedure identifying groups at risk to develop severe psychopathology. Dr. Palfai teaches courses in behavioral psychopharmacology and brain and behavior.

Representative Publications

Schwartz, K & Palfai, T. (In preparation). Knowledge and Use of Drugs by Undergraduates at Syracuse University: A longitudinal Study.

Palfai, T. & Jankiewicz, H. (2009). Drugs and Human Behavior. Cengage Learning, Mason, Ohio

Verhaeghen, P., Palfai, T., and Johnson, M.P. (2006). Verbal labeling as an assimilation mnemonic for abstract visual stimuli: The sample case of recognition memory for Chinese characters. Memory and Cognition, 9, 795-803.