Myrna Garcia Calderon

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Myrna García-Calderón

Myrna García-Calderón

Myrna García-Calderón

Associate Professor, Spanish


Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
310 HB Crouse Hall


Women's and Gender Studies


Latino-Latin American Studies
Modern Foreign Languages
Spanish Language Literature and Culture


  • Ph. D., University of California, Berkeley, 1989 Major: Contemporary Hispanic Literatures with emphasis on Latin America Minors: American Modernism and Nineteenth and Twentieth Century French Literature
  • M.A., University of California, Berkeley, 1981 Major: Hispanic Literatures
  • B.A., University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras, 1978 Major: Spanish Studies
  • Minors: Comparative Literature and History

Social/Academic Links

Courses Taught

  • CAS 101 – Freshman Seminar
  • SPA 302 - Advanced Language Usage
  • SPA 322 - Introduction to Latin American Literature
  • SPA 400 – Literature and Culture of the Hispanic Caribbean
  • SPA 400 – Literature and Race in the Hispanic Caribbean
  • SPA 400 – Hispanic Caribbean Women Writers
  • SPA 400 – Geographies of Memory in the Hispanic Caribbean and its Diasporas
  • SPA 400 – Identities On the Move
  • SPA 400 –Space, Place, and Home in Latino Literature and Film
  • SPA/LAS 471 - Contemporary Latin American Literature
  • SPA 489 – Literature and Film in the Spanish Caribbean
  • SPA 600 – Caribbean Spaces
  • SPA 600 – The Construction of Memory in the Hispanic Caribbean
  • SPA 600 – From Boom to Crack: Latin American Literature of the New Millennium
  • SPA 600 – Imagining Latin American Cities
  • SPA 600 – Cuba in the Special Period
Research and Teaching Interests

Prof. García-Calderón specializes in Modern and Contemporary Hispanic Caribbean and Spanish American literatures and cultures. Her book (1998) Lecturas desde el fragmento: Escritura contemporánea e imaginario cultural en Puerto Rico, gives a sense of her understanding of contemporary postmodern fiction in Puerto Rico, the Hispanic Caribbean and Latin America. The book studies the discursive episteme, the struggle of thought of certain social and cultural developments in Puerto Rico which refer to a set of relations questioning the degrees of complexity of the mode of being, of language, of history, cultural authority, and national identity. Her recently completed book project Espacios de la memoria en el Caribe Hispánico insular y sus diasporas, studies the construction of memory, space, and place in the cultural and literary representations of the Hispanic Caribbean and its Diasporas. Building on her interest in cities, spaces and places, as well as memory, the book looks at ways in which recent Caribbean texts have incorporated these themes and areas of concern into their work. The study includes literary, visual, and musical texts. Some of her other research interests include gender, the body, sexualities, race and ethnicities, and the Latino condition.

  • Assistant Professor at Syracuse University – Fall, 2005 - Present
  • Visiting Assistant Professor at the Centro de Estudios Avanzados de Puerto Rico y el Caribe –
  • Summer 2005, Summer 2006, Summer 2008, Summer 2009
  • Visiting Assistant Professor at Cornell University - 2001- 2005
  • Visiting Assistant Professor at UC Berkeley - 1997-2000
  • Visiting Assistant Professor at Stanford University - Spring, 1998;Spring,1999
  • Assistant Professor at UW Madison - 1991-1997
  • Visiting Assistant Professor at UC Berkeley - Summer Sessions 1992, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1998
  • Director of the UC Berkeley Travel Study Program In Havana, Cuba - Summers 1999 - 2002
  • Lecturer at UC Berkeley - 1990-1991
  • Teaching Assistant at UC Berkeley - 1980-1987
  • Instructor at UC Berkeley Extension - Fall, 1984
  • Teaching Associate at UC Berkeley Summer Sessions Program – Summer, 1981 & 1984
Book Chapters

“La imaginación insubordinada: el Caribe y la cultura marginal”, in Rita De Maeseneer & An Van Hecke (eds.), El artista caribeño como guerrero de lo imaginario, Madrid-Frankfurt, Iberoamericana-Vervuert, 2004, 153-163.
"José Emilio Pacheco y la poesía del desastre" in Al borde de mi fuego: poética y poesía hispanoamericana de los sesenta / selección y prólogo de Jorge Fornet, Casa de las Américas/ Universidad de Alicante: Cuba/ Alicante, (1998): 117-127.

Journal Articles

"Seva o la reinvención de la identidad nacional puertorriqueña", Revista de crítica literaria latinoamericana, Año XX, No. 39. Lima, 1er semestre de 1994: 199-215.
"La última noche que pasé contigo y el discurso erótico caribeño", South Eastern Latin Americanist, XXXVIII: 2 (Fall 1994): 26-34.
"La añoranza histórica en las obras de Magali García Ramis", Explicación de textos literarios. XXIII-2 (1994-95): 55-63.
"Writing Disaster from the Borders: Cristina Pacheco's Chronicles of Marginality", Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 8.1 (1996):1-16.
"El espacio intersticial y transitorio de la nueva crónica puertorriqueña", Revista de crítica literaria latinoamericana, Año XXIII, No. 45. Lima-Berkeley, 1er semestre de 1997: 293-306. "Códigos del humor en la obra de Ana Lydia Vega", Abril, Number 13 (January 1997): 87-96.
“La literatura erótica y el poder en Canon de alcoba de Tununa Mercado”, Revista Iberoamericana,Vol. LXV, Núm. 187 (Winter 1999): 373-382.
“Imaginarios urbanos puertorriqueños” in Revolución y cultura, 3/ 2005: 12-15. “Current Approaches to Hispanic Caribbean Literature and Culture: An Overview”. Review:
Literature and Arts of the Americas, 74, Vol. 40, Number 1, May 2007: 61-72.


Prologue to Las Vanguardias en Puerto Rico in Amarilis Carrero Peña and Carmen M. Rivera Villegas (editoras) Madrid: Ediciones de la Discreta (2009): 9-14.
Prologue to Caribeños y la nostalgia de un Puerto Rico perdido, by Rebeca Franqui. San Juan: Instituro de Cultura Puertorriqueña, (2008): xxviii-xix.

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