Edward F. Mooney

Orange Alert

Edward F. Mooney

Edward F. Mooney

Edward F. Mooney

Professor Emeritus


501 Hall of Languages
Email: efmooney@syr.edu

Research and Teaching Interests

Professor Mooney teaches courses in the Religion and Philosophy Departments, relying on authors as diverse as Kierkegaard, Cavell, Nussbaum, Lao Tzu, Herman Melville, Emily Dickinson, Heidegger, Thoreau, and Iris Murdoch. His writings include Excursions with Thoreau: Philosophy, Poetry, Religion (Bloomsbury, 2015), Melville, Kierkegaard, Truth, and Other Grave Matters, On Søren Kierkegaard: Dialogue, Polemics, Lost Intimacy and Time (Ashgate, 2007), and three other books on Kierkegaard, a figure who defines for him the vital intersection of religion, philosophy, and literature. Lost Intimacy in American Thought: Recovering Personal Philosophy from Thoreau to Cavell (Continuum, 2009) evokes the intersection of the poetic, the religious, and the philosophical in American writers; it came out in October 2009. Postcards Dropped in Flight (Codhill Press, 2010) is a set of lyrical meditations on birds, water, and the soul. He has inherited the philosophical papers of the Thoreauvian philosopher Henry Bugbee, and edited a collection of essays on his thought. He has published a bit over 100 chapters, articles, and reviews on a variety of topics including ethics, love, faith, prayer, objectivity, and feminism. He enjoys teaching undergraduates and enjoys working with graduates on their theses and dissertations.


REL 191 Religion, Meaning and Knowledge
REL 396 Mysticism
PHI 325 Existentialism
REL 600 Thoreau as a Religious Philosopher, Seminar
REL 600 Affliction: Dostoevsky/Levinas, Seminar
REL 600 Death and Authenticity, Seminar


Ph.D., Philosophy, UC, Santa Barbara (1968); B.A., Philosophy, Oberlin College (1962)


Professor, Departments of Religion and Philosophy, Syracuse University, 2002-present; Professor of Philosophy, Sonoma State University, 1975-2002

Recent Papers