Chandra Talpade Mohanty

Chandra Talpade Mohanty
Distinguished Professor and Department Chair
Women's and Gender Studies
340E Sims Hall
Office: 315.443.6541
Office: 315.443.7099
South Asian Studies
- Honorary Doctorate, Faculty of Social Sciences, Lund University Sweden,(2008)
- Ph.D.,Education, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (1987)
- M.A.,in the Teaching of English, Department of English, University of Illinois, (1980)
- M.A., English, University of Delhi, India, (1976)
- B.A., Honors in English, University of Delhi, (1974)
Courses Taught
WGS 101 Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies
WGS 201 Transnational Feminisms
WGS 310 Feminist Inquiries
WGS 410 Advanced Seminar in Feminist Thought
WGS 652 Feminism and Postcolonial Studies
WGS 795 Practice of Transnational Feminism
Transnational Feminist Theory and Praxis
Feminist Studies of Colonialism, Imperialism and Race
The Politics of Knowledge, Anti-Racist Education and Pedagogies of Dissent
Privatization, Neoliberalism, and Anti-Capitalist Critique
My scholarship and teaching focuses on the politics of difference and solidarity; the relation of feminist knowledges and scholarship to organizing and social movements, mobilizing a transnational feminist anti-capitalist critique; decolonizing knowledge, and theorizing agency, identity and resistance in the context of feminist transborder solidarity. My current work 1) examines the politics of neoliberalism and in the academy and in social movements, and 2) focuses on the development of a feminist video archive that curates intergenerational kitchen table conversations with feminist scholar-activists from around the world.
Greater Philadelphia Women’s Studies Scholar in Residence, May 17 to 21, 2017
Angela Davis Gastprofessur fur Internationale Gender and Diversity Studies, Cornelia Goethe Center, Goethe University, Frankfurt, 10--20 December, 2015
Co-Principal Investigator, with Linda Carty, Andrew D. Mellon Foundation award for a 3 year summer institute on “Just Academic Spaces: Creating New Publics Through Radical Literacies,” Democratizing Knowledge Collective, Syracuse University, 2014-2018
Distinguished Keynote Speaker, Colloquium on Transnational Solidarities: Radical Feminism, Social Justice and Critical Pedagogy, May 13 to 17, 2013, National University, Bogota, Colombia
Harry Lyman Hooker Distinguished Visiting Professor, McMaster University, Canada, March 20-22, 2013
Member, Indigenous and Women of Color Solidarity Delegation to Palestine, June 2011
Fulbright Senior Specialist Award, Department of Sociology, University of Limerick, Ireland, 2005/6
Video: Anticapitalist Feminist Struggle, and Transnational Solidarity, interview and film by Jesper Nordahl, 2007/2011 (77 minutes)
Web: The Feminists Wire, 4 October 2013
Print: Journal of Narrative Politics, April 2016
Feminist Yaklasimlar, Turkey, Interview “On the Academy and Feminist Politics,” with Deepa Rajkumar, Hulya Arık, Ozlem Aslan, Salimah Vaiya, January 2010
(May 3, 2018)
Democratization, internationalization rewrite rules of humanistic scholarship
(Feb. 5, 2016)
Chandra Talpade Mohanty served as Angela Davis Guest Professor at Goethe University
(April 29, 2015)
Department chair praises colleagues for challenging 'interconnected systems of oppression in work'
(March 16, 2015)
Department of Women’s & Gender Studies is nationally known for ‘high level’ of teaching, scholarshi