Orange Alert

M. Cristina Marchetti

M. Cristina Marchetti

M. Cristina Marchetti

Emerita Research Professor





Biophysical Science


Department of Physics
Broida Hall, Room 1311
University of California Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9530

Research Interests
  • Hydrodynamics and rheology of active fluids and gels.
  • Collective behavior of bacterial suspensions and other self-driven organisms.
  • Cell motility and the mechanical properties of the cell cytoskeleton.
  • Collective transport in disordered systems: vortex lines in superconductors, charge density waves.
  • Dynamics of glassy systems.

Research Spotlight


Numerical simulations of a model of a layer of migrating epithelial cells on a substrate (Silke Henkes, Yaouen Fily and M. Cristina Marchetti). The size of the red arrows is proportional to the local velocity of the cells. Swirling patterns of this type are observed experimentally in confluent cell layers.

News Articles
M. Cristina Marchetti Named Director of Soft and Living Matter Program

(Feb. 26, 2018)

The Distinguished Professor of Physics will oversee the program’s operations and intellectual progress and monitor research advancements

Physicist Marchetti Named to Commission on Statistical Physics

(Dec. 19, 2017)

The distinguished professor's research for the past 25 years has spanned a broad range of problems in statistical physics and soft matter

Physicist Awarded NSF Grant to Study Collective Behavior of Active Matter

(Aug. 17, 2016)

M. Cristina Marchetti will use mathematical modeling to study how energy is converted into motion, function

M. Cristina Marchetti Named Distinguished Professor

(Aug. 10, 2016)

Vice Chancellor Wheatly cites the physicist's international prominence in research and scholarship for this top university honor

Physicists Awarded NSF Grant to Study Cancer-Cell Behavior

(Aug. 3, 2016)

Professors Manning, Marchetti, Schwarz use soft-matter physics to find cure for cancer

Physicist Named Editor of 'High-Impact' Journal

(June 10, 2016)

M. Cristina Marchetti is co-Lead Editor of Physical Review X

Syracuse Physicists Excel at Gordon Research Conference in New Hampshire

(Aug. 25, 2015)

Professors Bowick, Manning, Marchetti, and Paulsen among presenters

Simons Foundation Funds Physics, Mathematics Researchers

(May 27, 2015)

Professors Marchetti, Horn, Leuschke, and Wylie receive Simons grant awards


1982 Ph.D. in Physics University Florida, Gainesville

1978 Laurea in Physics cum laude University of Pavia, Italy

Awards & Professional Honors
  • Fellow of the American Physical Society
  • William R. Kenan, Jr. Professorship
  • Associate Director of the Syracuse Biomaterials Institute, 2007-present
  • Chancellor's Citation for Academic Achievement, Syracuse University, 2005
  • Rotschild-Mayent Sabbatical Fellowship, Institut Curie, Paris, 2007
  • Principal Investigator and Member of the Board of Directors of the Boulder School for Condensed Matter and Materials Physics,
  • Vice-Chair and Chair of the Group of Statistical and Nonlinear Physics of the American Physical Society (2005-2008).

Selected Publications

Sheared active fluids: thickening, thinning and vanishing viscosity, L.Giomi, T. B. Liverpool and M. Cristina Marchetti, Phys. Rev. E 81, 051908 (2010).

Statistical mechanics and hydrodynamics of Bacterial Suspensions, Aparna Baskaran and M. Cristina Marchetti, Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. 106, 15567-15572 (2009).

Mechanical response of active gels, T. B. Liverpool, M. C. Marchetti, J.-F. Joanny and J. Prost, EuroPhys. Lett. 85, 18007 (2009).

Enhanced diffusion and ordering of self-propelled rods, Aparna Baskaran and M. Cristina Marchetti, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 268101 (2008).

Depinning in a two-layer model of plastic flow, P. Le Doussal, M. C. Marchetti, K. J. Wiese, Phys. Rev. B 78, 224201 (2008). (28 pages).

M. Cristina Marchetti Named Director of Soft and Living Matter Program

(Feb. 26, 2018)

The Distinguished Professor of Physics will oversee the program’s operations and intellectual progress and monitor research advancements

Physicist Marchetti Named to Commission on Statistical Physics

(Dec. 19, 2017)

The distinguished professor's research for the past 25 years has spanned a broad range of problems in statistical physics and soft matter

Physicist Awarded NSF Grant to Study Collective Behavior of Active Matter

(Aug. 17, 2016)

M. Cristina Marchetti will use mathematical modeling to study how energy is converted into motion, function

M. Cristina Marchetti Named Distinguished Professor

(Aug. 10, 2016)

Vice Chancellor Wheatly cites the physicist's international prominence in research and scholarship for this top university honor

Physicists Awarded NSF Grant to Study Cancer-Cell Behavior

(Aug. 3, 2016)

Professors Manning, Marchetti, Schwarz use soft-matter physics to find cure for cancer

Physicist Named Editor of 'High-Impact' Journal

(June 10, 2016)

M. Cristina Marchetti is co-Lead Editor of Physical Review X

Syracuse Physicists Excel at Gordon Research Conference in New Hampshire

(Aug. 25, 2015)

Professors Bowick, Manning, Marchetti, and Paulsen among presenters

Simons Foundation Funds Physics, Mathematics Researchers

(May 27, 2015)

Professors Marchetti, Horn, Leuschke, and Wylie receive Simons grant awards