Larry Lewandowski

Orange Alert

Larry Lewandowski

Larry Lewandowski

Larry Lewandowski

Professor Emeritus





Ph.D., University of Michigan, Educational Psychology

Certification and Licensure

Licensed in NY as a Psychologist
Nationally certified School Psychologist

Research and Teaching Interests

I am interested in the neuropsychological functioning of children with known or suspected neurological conditions, especially LD and ADHD. I also study cognitive, behavioral, and emotional aspects of these various disorders. I focus on treatment interventions for these youngsters that involve computer technology.

Representative Publications

Wood, W., Potts, H., Lewandowski, L., & Lovett, B. (in press). Sluggish cognitive tempo and speed of performance. Journal of Attention Disorders.

Potter, K., Lewandowski, J. & Spenceley, L. (in press). Effects of circling versus bubbling answers: A questionable test accommodation. Educational Assessment and Higher Education.

Wood, W., Lewandowski, L., Antshel, K. & Lovett, B. J. (in press). Executive dysfunction and functional impairment associated with sluggish cognitive tempo in college students. Journal of Attention Disorders.

Lovett, B. J., Lewandowski, L. J., & Potts, H. E. (2016). Test-taking speed: Predictors and implications. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 1-10.

Lovett, B, J., & Lewandowski, L. (2015). Test accommodations for students with disabilities: Research based practice. American Psychological Association.

Lewandowski, L., Hendricks, K., & Gordon, M. (2015). Test-taking performance of high school students with ADHD. Journal of Attention Disorders, 19, 27-34.

Lewandowski, L., Berger, C., Lovett, B. & Gordon, M. (2016). Test-taking skills of high school students with and without learning disabilities. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 34, 566-576.

Lewandowski, L., Wood, W., & Lambert, T. (2014). Private room as a test accommodation.Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 40, 279-285.

Lewandowski, L., Lambert, T. Lovett, B., Panahon, C., & Sytsma, M. (2014). A survey of college students’ perceptions of test accommodations. Canadian Journal of School Psychology, 29, 116-126.

Miller, L., Lewandowski, L., & Antshel, K. (2013). Effects of extended time for college students with and without ADHD. Journal of Attention Disorders.

Reiger, B., Lewandowski, L., Callahan, J., Wojcik, S., Gathje, R., Truckenmiller, A. & Spenceley, L. (2013). Follow along study of students brought to emergency department with concussion. Brain Injury, 27, 169-178.

Lewandowski, L., Cohen, J., & Lovett, B. (2013). The effects of extended time on reading comprehension for students with and without learning disabilities. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 31, 326-336.

Lewandowski, L., Gathje, R., and Lovett, B. (2012). Test taking skills of college students with and without ADHD. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment.

Lovett, B., Lewandowski, L., Berger, C., Gathje, R., & Cohen, J. (In press). Effects of response mode and time allotment on the fluency and quality of university students’ writing. Journal of College Reading and Learning.

Lewandowski, L., Rieger, B., Smyth, J., Perry, L., & Gathje, R. (2009). Measuring post-concussion symptoms in adolescents: Feasibility of ecological momentary assessment. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 24, 791-796.

Lewandowski, L. & Rieger, B. (2009). The role of a school psychologist in concussion. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 25, 95-110.

Gathje, R., Lewandowski, J., & Gordon, M. (2008). The role of impairment in the diagnosis of ADHD. Journal of Attention Disorders, 11, 529-537.

Lewandowski, L., Lovett, B., & Rogers, C. L. (2008). The effects of extended time on reading comprehension of high school students with and without learning disabilities. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 26, 315-324.

Lewandowski, L., Lovett, B., Codding, R., & Gordon, M. (2008). Symptoms of ADHD and academic concerns in college students with and without ADHD diagnoses. Journal of Attention Disorders, 12, 156-161.

Martens, B. K., Eckert, T. E., Begeny, J. C., Lewandowski, L. J., DiGennaro, F., D., Montarello, S.A. et al. (2007). Effects of a fluency-building program on the reading performance of low-achieving second and third grade students. Journal of Behavioral Education.

Lewandowski, L., Lovett, B., Parolin, R., Gordon, M. & Codding, R. S. (2007). Extended time accommodations and the mathematics performance of students with and without ADHD. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 25, 17-28.

Lewandowski Appointed Interim Chair of Psychology

(Jan. 26, 2016)

Dean Ruhlandt calls Lewandowski a 'distinguished and highly valued faculty member'