Kathleen Corrado

Kathleen Corrado
Forensics Executive Director
Forensic Science
120 Life Sciences Complex
Email: kcorrado@syr.edu
Office: 315.443.1501
- Ph.D. in Biology, 1992
University of Michigan - B.S. in Biology, 1986
University of Connecticut
Corrado has over 25 years of experience as a forensic science practitioner. She began her career in forensics at the Texas Department of Public Safety Crime Laboratory in Austin, TX where she specialized in crime scene investigation, biological fluid identification and various forms of DNA analysis. In 1999, she left Texas and moved to Syracuse, New York to head the Forensic Biology/DNA section of the Onondaga County Center for Forensic Sciences (CFS). She then spent the next 20 years as Director of Laboratories at the CFS where she managed the ISO17025-accredited laboratory including oversight of the Forensic Biology/DNA, Firearms, Latent Print, Drug Chemistry and Digital Evidence disciplines. She has testified as an expert witness in the state of Texas, the state of New York, and in U.S. Federal court.
- New York State DNA Subcommittee on Forensic Science DNA Laboratories and Forensic DNA Testing (2022-present)
- American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors Forensic Research Committee (2022-present)
- ANAB Forensic Accreditation Council (2019-present)
- State of Virginia Scientific Advisory Committee (2017-present)
- National Institute of Science and Technology OSAC Biology Scientific Area Committee (2019-2020), Biological Data and Interpretation Subcommittee (2014-2019), Affiliate member (current)
- ASCLD/LAB Board of Directors (2014-2016)
- New York State Commission on Forensic Sciences (2003-2006, 2009-2015)
- Forensic Advisory Board to the Forensic and National Security Sciences Institute at Syracuse University (2012-2020)
- Forensic Science Subcommittee of the New York State Justice Task Force (2010-2012)
- National Governors Association Working Group for Improving DNA Policy (2002)
- Bright, J.A, Richards, R., Kruijver, M. Kelly H., McGovern C., Magee A., McWhorter A., Ciecko, A., Peck B., Baumgartner C., Buettner, C., McWilliams, S., McKenna, C., Gallacher C., Mallinder, B., Wright, D. Johnson, D., Catella, D., Lien, E., O’Conner, C., Duncan, G., Bundy, J., Echard, J., Lowe, J., Stewart, J., Corrado, K., Gentile, S., Kaplan, M., Hassler, M.,McDonals, N. Hulme, P., Oefelein, R.H., Montpetit, S., Strong, M., Noel, S., Malsom, S., Myers, S., Welti, S., Moretti, T., McMahon, T., Grill, T., Kalafut, T., Greer-Ritzheimer, M., Beamer, V., Taylor, D.A., Buckleton, J.S. Internal Validation of STRmix-A multi laboratory response to PCAST. Forensic Science International: Genetics. Vol 34, 11-24, 2018
- Stephen J. Grimme, Xiang-Dong Gao , Paul S. Martin, Kim Tu, Serguei E. Tcheperegine, Kathleen Corrado , Anne E. Farewell, Peter Orlean, and Erfei Bi. Deficiencies in the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER)-Membrane Protein Gab1p Perturb Transfer of Glycosylphosphatidylinositol to Proteins and Cause Perinuclear ER-associated Actin Bar Formation. Mol. Biol. Cell. Vol. 15, Issue 6, 2758-2770, 2004.
- Chamberlain, J.S., K. Corrado, J.A. Rafael, G.A. Cox, M. Hauser, and C. Lumeng. Interactions between dystrophin and the sarcolemma membrane. Soc. Gen. Physiol. Ser. 52, 19-29, 1997
- Corrado, K., J.R. Rafael, P.L. Mills, N.M. Cole, J.A. Faulkner, K. Wang, and J.S. Chamberlain. Transgenic mdx mice expressing dystrophin with a deletion in the actin-binding domain display a "mild Becker" phenotype. J. Cell Biol. 134, 873-884, 1996.
- Rafael, J.A., G.A. Cox, K. Corrado, D. Jung, K.P. Campbell, and J.S. Chamberlain. Forced expression of dystrophin deletion constructs reveals structure-function correlations. J. Cell Biol. 134, 93-102, 1996.
- Pringle, J.R., E. Bi, H.A. Harkins, J.E. Zahner, C. De Virgilio, J. Chant, K. Corrado, and H. Fares. Establishment of cell polarity in yeast. Cold Spring Harbor Symp. Quant. Biol. 60, 729-744, 1995.
- Corrado, K., P.L. Mills, and J.S. Chamberlain. Deletion analysis of the actin-binding domain of dystrophin. FEBS Lett. 344, 255-260, 1994.
- Chenevert, J., K. Corrado, A. Bender, J.R. Pringle, and I. Herskowitz. BEM1, a yeast gene necessary for cell polarization whose product contains two SH3 domains. Nature. 356, 77-79, 1992.
- Chant, J., K. Corrado, J.R. Pringle, and I. Herskowitz. The yeast BUD5 gene, which encodes a putative GDP-GTP exchange factor, is necessary for bud-site selection and interacts with bud-formation gene BEM1. Cell. 65, 1213-1224, 1991.
(Aug. 1, 2023)
The self-collection kits would allow survivors of sexual assault to collect their own evidence privately in instances when they don’t have access to a local health care provider.
(Jan. 14, 2021)
Kathleen Corrado will lead Syracuse University’s Forensic and National Security Science Institute as field embraces large-scale data analytics.