Orange Alert

Josh Pollitz

Josh Pollitz

Josh Pollitz

Pronouns: He/him/his
Assistant Professor


206A Carnegie Library
Office: 315.443.1486


Ph.D. Mathematics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln 2019


Social/Academic Links

Courses Taught

  • MAT 331
  • MAT 534
  • MAT 732
  • MAT 830
Biographic Overview

Josh Pollitz joined the Syracuse math department in Fall 2023 as a tenure track assistant professor. Prior to this, he was an NSF postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Utah from 2019-2023, where his postdoc mentor was Srikanth Iyengar. He received his PhD in August 2019 at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where his advisors were Lucho Avramov and Mark Walker.

Research Interests

Josh’s research interests are in commutative algebra, with a focus on its homological aspects. He has had a particular interest in studying properties of commutative rings using theories of cohomological support and structures on resolutions. He often works with triangulated categories as they are well-suited to study such data, and it allows him to draw on ideas from a variety of other areas such as homotopy theory and representation theory.

Research Specializations
  • Commutative algebra
  • Homological algebra
Honors and Awards

NSF Award DMS 2302567 (August 2023-July 2026)