John "Jack" Laiho

John "Jack" Laiho
Associate Professor
313 Physics Building
Office: 315.443.3469
- 2004 Ph.D. in Physics Princeton University
- 1998 B.A. in Physics and Math, summa cum laude Rhode Island College
- Lattice QCD.
- Flavor Physics & CP Violation.
- Chiral Pertubation Theory.
- Lattice Gravity.
Research Spotlight

A proton-proton collision in the ATLAS detector at the LHC, the bright green rods illustrate two detected photons produced in the high energy collision. These could be the result of a Higgs boson being produced and decaying into two photons.
(June 8, 2016)
Funding part of government's mission to advance experimental scientific discovery
J. A. Bailey, et. al., "Refining new-physics searches in B->D tau nu decay with Lattice QCD," Phys. Rev. Lett. 109, 071802 (2012) [arXiv:1206.4992].
J. Laiho and D. Coumbe, “Evidence for Asymptotic Safety from Lattice Quantum Gravity ”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107:161301 (2011) [arXiv:1104.5505].
J. Laiho, E. Lunghi, R. S. Van de Water, “Lattice QCD inputs to the CKM unitarity traingle analysis ”, Phys. Rev. D 81:034503, (2010) [arXiv:0910.2928].
C. Aubin, J. Laiho, and R. S. Van de Water, “The neutral kaon mixing parameter BK from unquenched mixed-action lattice QCD ”, Phys. Rev. D 81:014507, (2010) [arXiv:0905.3947].
C. Bernard, et al.,“The B → D∗ ℓν form factor at zero recoil from 2+1 fla- vor lattice QCD: A model independent determination of Vcb”, Phys. Rev. D 79:014506, (2009) [arXiv:0808.2519].