Orange Alert

Jiwoon Yulee

Jiwoon Yulee

Jiwoon Yulee

Pronouns: She/her/hers
Assistant Teaching Professor


Women's and Gender Studies
340 Sims Hall


Ph.D. University of Washington

Social/Academic Links

Courses Taught

  • 101 Intro to Women’s and Gender Studies
  • 240 Contemporary Feminisms
  • 301 Feminist Theories

social reproduction, transnational feminism, intersectionality, labor precarity, care intimacy, feminist theory, racial capitalism

Research Interests

intersectional social movement, alternative unionism, feminist social reproduction, East Asian labor history, global political economy, financialization


  • Martha Duggan Fellowship in Caring Labor, Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies (2016)
  • University of Washington Fritz Boeing International Research Fellowship (2015)

  • Yulee, Jiwoon. On Financialization and Social Reproduction, Marxist Sociology Blog (August 18, 2022)
  • Yulee, Jiwoon. “Progress by Death: Labor Precaritization and the Financialization of Social Reproduction in South Korea” Capital and Class (
  • Yulee, Jiwoon. “A Feminist Critique of Labor Precarity and Neoliberal Forgetting: Life Stories of Feminized Laboring Subjects in South Korea” Special Issue on Feminism and Capitalism, Feminist Studies Vol.47 No.3 2021 *Feminist Studies Graduate Student Award 2020
  • Yulee, Jiwoon. “Contested Neoliberal Vulnerability: Laboring, Feminine, and Queer Subjects in the Streets of the Impeachment Protest” in the edited volume, The Candlelight Movement, Democracy, and Communication in Korea, Routledge: Asia Series, 2021


  • Yulee, Jiwoon. Expressive Struggles: Social Reproduction of Feminized Labor and Neoliberal Time in South Korea (Work in progress) *Winner of the National Women’s Studies Association & University of Illinois Press First Book Prize 2020
Honors and Awards

  • National Women’s Studies Association & University of Illinois Press First Book Prize (2020)
  • Feminist Studies Graduate Student Award (2020)