Jennifer Pan

Jennifer Pan
Assistant Teaching Professor
Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Ph.D., English, University of Chicago
Jennifer Yida Pan’s research and teaching center around nineteenth- and twentieth-century anglophone literature, the philosophy of technology, the politics and aesthetics of international trade, East-West relations, as well as literary and narrative theory. She has additional interests in francophone and germanophone literatures, translation theory, design theory, postcolonial theory, disability studies, ecocriticism, and critical AI.
She is currently at work on her first manuscript, Implicit Sacrifice. In this project, she explores how nineteenth- and twentieth-century novels formed early sites for theorizing responsibility in what we now call “implicit bias.” Situating technology at the intersection of globalization, imperialism, and capitalism, she examines how the representation of technology is integral to the ways fictional worlds articulate collective logics of unequal care distribution as well as how these logics reify along axes of social difference.
Pan’s research has been supported by the Lindsay Fellowship at the University of Chicago, the Copeland Fellowship at Amherst College, and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
19th and 20thC Literature, Science and Technology Studies, Literary Theory, Trade and Migration Studies