Rebecca Moore Howard

Orange Alert

Rebecca Moore Howard

Rebecca Moore Howard

Rebecca Moore Howard

Professor Emerita


Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition





Ph.D., West Virginia University, 1984.

Research and Teaching Interests

Theory of authorship; print culture studies; intertextuality; information literacy; composition pedagogy; qualitative research methods; textual analysis; writing across the curriculum.

I am a principal researcher in the Citation Project. Using textual analysis, the ongoing collaborative research of the Citation Project explores how writers work intertextually with sources. Using a synthesis of personal narrative and rhetorical analysis, my individual scholarship explores the ways in which contemporary and historical Western cultures construct the figures of the Author and the plagiarist. The purpose of this research is to discover one of the means whereby the privileging of some voices and the silencing of others is naturalized and normalized. Because this naturalization takes place in the educational system, much of my research focuses on the writing produced by students and the pedagogies that encourage the work of the already privileged while discouraging the work of the already marginalized.
