Gregory Hoke

Gregory Hoke
Jessie Page Heroy Professor and Department Chair: Earth Surface & Tectonics
Earth and Environmental Sciences
333G Heroy Geology Laboratory
Office: 315.443.1903
Environment, Sustainability, and Policy [ILM]
Social/Academic Links
Courses Taught
- Earth System Science (EAR 203)
- Geomorphology (EAR 403/603)
- Applications of GIS in the Earth Sciences (EAR 410/610)
- Advanced Geomorphology (EAR 443/643)
Tectonic geomorphology
Interactions between landscapes, climate and tectonics
Isotopic records of terrestrial surface conditions
Project SWIFT (with L.K. Lautz, Z. Liu, D.I. Siegel)
Interpreting clumped isotope temperatures and d18O records from pedogenic carbonate (NSF EAR-1251966, with K. Huntington (U. Washington), J. Aranibar (IANIGLA, Argentina) and C. Latorre (P. Universidad Católica, Chile)
Evaluating the mechanisms for episodic basin filling and and erosion in wedge-top and proximal foreland environments (ACS-PRF, in collaboration with M. R. Strecker (U. Potsdam) and George Hilley (Stanford) ).
Basin evolution and elevation history of the SE Tibetan Plateau margin (NSF EAR-1019427 with C.N. Garzione (U. Rochester) and M.T. Hren (UConn)).
Past Projects:
Rock deformation events, range elevation change and sedimentary basin filling in the Andes Mountains between 30°S and 34°S latitude (NSF OISE-0601957 with C. N. Garzione, U. Rochester; L. B. Giambiagi, IANIGLA, Argentina).
Mineral Separation and quartz purification:
Frantz magnetic separator
24 gal, 1500 W ultrasonic tank with cooling loop
Heated hotdog rollers
LST and MEI mineral separation equipment
Carbonator for froth flotation of minerals
Optical instruments:
Leica S8 120x binocular microscope with 1.3 MP camera attached to a Macintosh computer
Leitz student-grade petrographic microscope
3 dual quad-core workstations for GIS and image processing applications
Network enabled data storage unit
Matlab, ENVI, ArcGIS, ArcGIS server, FileMaker Pro
Field equipment:
Trimble Recon X ruggedized field computers with bluetooth GPS and ArcPad software
2 Brunton Geotransits
2 Jacob's staffs
1 sub-meter Trimble GPS
2 Laser Range finders
Ana C. Lossada, Julieta Suriano, Laura Giambiagi, Paul G. Fitzgerald, Greg Hoke, José Mescua, Ana Tedesco, Guadalupe Arzadún, Sofía Bordese, (2020), Cenozoic exhumation history at the core of the Andes at 31.5°S revealed by apatite fission track thermochronology, Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Volume 103,
Kelson, J. R., Huntington, K. W., Breecker, D. O., Burgener, L. K., Gallagher, T. M., Hoke, G. D. & Petersen, S. V., A proxy for all seasons? A synthesis of clumped isotope data from Holocene soil carbonates. Apr 15 2020, In : Quaternary Science Reviews. 234, 106259.
Lossada, A., L. Giambiagi, G. Hoke, P.G. Fitzgerald, J. Mescua, J. Suriano, A. Aguilar, 2020. Detrital thermochronology reveals major middle Miocene exhumation of the eastern flank of the Andes predates the Pampean flat-slab (33º-33.5ºS) Tectonics.
Ping Wang, Hongbo Zheng, Shaofeng Liu, Gregory Hoke; Late Cretaceous drainage reorganization of the Middle Yangtze River. Lithosphere ; 10 (3): 392–405. doi:
Multiple episodes of fast exhumation since Cretaceous in southeast Tibet, revealed by low-temperature thermochronology. Liu-Zeng, J., Zhang, J., McPhillips, D., Reiners, P., Wang, W., Pik, R., Zeng, L., Hoke, G., Xie, K., Xiao, P., Zheng, D. & Ge, Y., May 15 2018, In : Earth and Planetary Science Letters. 490, p. 62-76.
Gregory D. Hoke; Geochronology transforms our view of how Tibet’s southeast margin evolved. Geology ; 46 (1): 95–96. doi:
Lossada, A., L. Giambiagi, G. Hoke, P.G. Fitzgerald, C. Creixell, I. Murillo, D. Mardonez, R. Velásquez and J. Suriano, 2017. The late Eocene constructional phase in the Andes at 30°S: evidence from thermochronology, Tectonics, 36.
Lossada, A. C., Giambiagi, L., Hoke, G. D., Fitzgerald, P. G., Creixell, C., Murillo, I., Diego Mardonez, Ricardo Velásquez Suriano, J. (2017). Thermochronologic evidence for late Eocene Andean mountain building at 30°S. Tectonics, 36, 2693– 2713.
Hoke, G.D., Aranibar, J.N.,Viale,M., Araneo, D.C., Llano, C., 2013, Seasonal moisture sources and the isotopic composition of precipitation, rivers and carbonates across the Andes at 32.5 - 35.5°S: Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, v. 14, p. 962-978, doi: 10.1002/ggge.20045
Peters, N. A., Huntington K.W., and Hoke, G.D., 2013, Hot or not? Impact of seasonally variable soil carbonate formation on paleotemperature and O-isotope records from clumped isotope thermometry: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 361, 208–218, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2012.10.024.
*Walcek, A.A. and Hoke, G.D., 2012, Surface Uplift and Erosion of the Southernmost Argentine Precordillera, Geomorphology, v. 153-154, p. 156-158, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2012.02.021
Hoke, G.D., Garzione, C.N., Araneo, D.C., Latorre, C., Strecker, M.R. and Williams, K.J.; 2009, Can Quaternary pedogenic carbonates be used to estimate modern elevations?: Geology v.37, p. 1015-1018, doi: 10.1130/G30308A.
Hoke, G. D., and Garzione, C. N., 2008, Paleosurfaces, paleoelevation, and the mechanisms for the latest Miocene topographic development of the Altiplano Plateau: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, v. 271, no. 1-4, p. 192-201. doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.04.008
Hoke, G. D., Isacks, B. L., Jordan T.E., Tomlinson, A.J., Blanco Pavez, N., and Razmezani, J., 2007, Geomorphic evidence for post-10 Ma uplift of the western flank of the central Andes 18°30'-22°S: Tectonics 26 doi:/10.1029/2006TC002082
(March 3, 2023)
Researchers from Syracuse University’s Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences published a study documenting erosion rates in the Andes Mountains.
(Jan. 22, 2015)
Gregory Hoke, Devin McPhillips use EAGER grant to study how surface elevation changes with time