Gerald R. Greenberg
Gerald R. Greenberg
Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Humanities; Curriculum, Instruction, and Programs; Associate Professor, Russian and Linguistics
A&S Curriculum/Instruction
A&S Dean's Cabinet
Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
441 Hall of Languages
Office: 315.443.2875
Linguistic Studies
Modern Foreign Languages
Russian Language Literature and Culture
- Ph.D., Slavic Linguistics, Cornell University (1985)
- M.A., Slavic Linguistics, Cornell University (1981)
- B.A., Mathematics and Russian, Bucknell University (1977)
Dr. Greenberg has taught courses in Russian and linguistics. His interests include Russian and Slavic linguistics, syntactic theory, the Liberal Arts and Sciences, and the Humanities.
- Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Humanities; Curriculum, Instruction, and Programs, 2010-present.
- Member, Board of Directors, Council of Colleges of Arts and Sciences, 2011-2016.
- Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs; Humanities, 2009-2010.
- Associate Dean for Humanities, 2003-2008.
- Interim Chair, Department of African American Studies, 7/2022 – 12/2022.
- Interim Chair, Department of Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition, 7/2021 – 6/2022.
- Interim Chair, Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, 7/2017 – 12/2017.
- Interim Director, Linguistic Studies Program, 7/2016 – 6/2017.
- Interim Director, Humanities Center, 7/2014 – 6/2015.
- Interim Chair, Department of English, 7/2013 – 6/2014.
- Interim Director, Linguistic Studies Program, 7/2010 – 6/2013.
- Interim Director, Latin American Studies Program, 7/2010– 7/2011.
- Interim Chair, Department of Religion, 7/2008 – 6/2009.
- Director, Linguistic Studies Program, 7/2007 – 6/2008.
- Interim Chair, Department of English, 7/2004 – 6/2005.
- Director, Linguistic Studies Program, 7/1997 – 6/2003.
- Chair, Department of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, 7/1997 – 6/2003.
(Oct. 26, 2016)
Gerry Greenberg plays leadership role in Council of the Colleges of Arts and Sciences
(Nov. 11, 2015)
A&S Faculty discuss what it means to have an 'Intense Liberal Arts Experience'.
- 2017 Greenberg, Gerald. "Why we still need to study the humanities in a STEM world." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 18 Oct. 2017. Web.
- 2015 Greenberg, Gerald. "What the ‘liberal’ in ‘liberal arts’ actually means." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 2 Apr. 2015. Web.
- 2015 Greenberg, Gerald. "The Tao of the Liberal Arts." Washington Post. The Washington Post, 7 Jan. 2015. Web.
- 2012 Peters, Steve and Gerry Greenberg. “A Prophesy for the Liberal Arts.” CCAS Newsletter. Nov/Dec.
- 2006, with James E. Lavine. "New syntax in Russian and Lithuanian: The case of the adverbial participle," 143-170. In Studia Caroliensia: Papers in Linguistics and Folklore in Honor of Charles E. Gribble, eds. Robert A. Rothstein, Ernest Scatton, and Charles E. Townsend. Bloomington, IN: Slavica.
- 2004 (2002) Lavine, James E. and Gerald R. Greenberg, eds. Journal of Slavic Linguistics (10.1-2) A Special Volume in Honor of Leonard H. Babby, edited with James Lavine, Bucknell University. Includes an introductory note.
- 1999 (1996) “Developments in Linguistic Theory: The Analysis of Gerunds and Infinitives in Russian.” The International Journal of Slavic Linguistics and Poetics, 66-102.