Duane T. Graysay

Duane T. Graysay
Associate Professor
103C Carnegie Library
Email: dtgraysa@syr.edu
Office: 315.443.1485
- Ph.D. in Mathematics Education, Pennsylvania State University, 2016
- M.S. in Mathematics, Pennsylvania State University, 2016
- M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction, University of Mary Washington, 2006
- B.Sc. in Curriculum and Instruction, Pennsylvania State University, 1995
Dr. Graysay’s research interests are in advanced mathematical thinking. In particular, Dr. Graysay’s research examines the nature of the processes through which individuals construct mathematical knowledge and theory. His dissertation research examined the nature of the process of constructing mathematical generalities, specifically the nature of that process among university students. Dr. Graysay has also been involved in examining the ways that early-career secondary teachers of mathematics engage in the processes of defining, generalizing, justifying, and representing, along with the relationships between the teacher’s ways of engaging in mathematical processes and the ways that those teachers engage their students in mathematical processes.
Mailing Address:
215 Carnegie Building
Syracuse, NY 13244-1150
Fax: (315) 443-1475