Les A. Gellis

Les A. Gellis
Associate Teaching Professor
478 Marley Educational Building
Email: lagellis@syr.edu
- Ph.D., University of Memphis
- BA, SUNY Albany
Social/Academic Links
My research focuses on the causes and treatment of insomnia and related sleep deficiencies. Current interests include understanding sleep behaviors in the college student population, the development of cognitive interventions to treat insomnia, the development of smartphone applications to measure pre-sleep experiences, ethnic, cultural, and socioeconomic disparities related to sleep disorders, and the intersection between sleep behaviors and alcohol and marijuana usage. I currently teach courses related to clinical and health psychology (Introduction to Psychotherapy, Introduction to Clinical Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, and Laboratory in Health Psychology).
Shen Y. & Gellis & L. A. (2021). Insomnia severity and its correlates among English as a second language (ESL) college students. Journal of American College Health.
Goodhines, P. A., Gellis, L. A., Ansell, E. B., & Park, A. (2019). Cannabis and Alcohol Use for Sleep Aid: A Daily Diary Investigation. Health Psychology.
Gellis, L. A., Park, A., Stotsky, M. T. & Taylor, D. J. (2014). Associations between Sleep Hygiene and Insomnia Severity in College Students: Cross-Sectional and Prospective Analyses. Behavior Therapy.
Gellis, L. A., Arigo, D., Elliot, J. C. (2013). Cognitive Refocusing Treatment for Insomnia: A Randomized Controlled Trial in University Students. Behavior Therapy, 44(1), 100-110.
Gellis, L. A. & Park, A. (2013). Nighttime Thought Control Strategies and Insomnia Severity. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 37, 383-389.
Gellis, L. A. (2012). An Investigation of a Cognitive Refocusing Technique to Improve Sleep. Psychotherapy.
Gellis, L. A., Gehrman, P. R. (2011). Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Insomnia in Veterans with Longstanding Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Pilot Study. Journal of Aggression Maltreatment & Trauma, 20, 904-916.
Gellis, L. A., Gehrman, P. R., Mavandadi, S. & Oslin, D. W. (2010). Predictors of Sleep Disturbances in OEF/OIF Veterans Reporting an Emotional Trauma. Military Medicine, 175, 567-573.
Gellis, L. A., Lichstein, K. L. (2009). Sleep Hygiene Practices of Good and Poor Sleepers in the United States: an Internet-Based Study. Behavior Therapy, 40, 1-9.
Gellis, L. A., Lichstein, K. L., Scarinci, I. C., Durrence, H. H., Taylor, D. J., Bush, A. J., & Riedel, B. W. (2005). Socioeconomic Status and Insomnia. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 114, 111-118.