Erica Houts Shumener

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Erica Houts Shumener

Erica Houts Shumener

Erica Houts Shumener

Assistant Professor of Philosophy


530 Hall of Languages
Office: 315.443.1606


  • Ph.D. in Philosophy, New York University (2016)
  • B.A. in Philosophy, New York University (2008)
Biographic Overview

Erica Shumener works primarily in metaphysics, and she has interests in philosophy of science and epistemology. Shumener’s current research is on the metaphysics of laws of nature.

Research Interests

Metaphysics, Philosophy of Science



fthc. “The Power to Govern”, Philosophical Perspectives

fthc. “Intrinsicality and Determinacy”, Philosophical Studies

2021 “Humeans are out of this World”, Synthese

2021 “Do Identity and Distinctness Facts Threaten the PSR?”, Philosophical Studies

2020 “Identity” for the Routledge Handbook on Ground

2020 “Explaining Identity and Distinctness” Philosophical Studies

2019 “Building and Surveying: Relative Fundamentality in Bennett’s Making Things Up,” Analysis

2017 “Laws of Nature, Explanation, and Semantic Circularity,” The British Journal for Philosophy of Science (Editor’s Choice)

2017 “The Metaphysics of Identity,” Philosophy Compass

(Short) Book

fthc. Identity a volume for the Cambridge Elements Series, Cambridge University Press