Darwin Han-Lin Tsen

Darwin Han-Lin Tsen
Assistant Teaching Professor, Chinese and Chinese Language Coordinator
Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
Email: dhtsen@syr.edu
- 2016 Ph.D., Comparative Literature and Asian Studies, Pennsylvania State University
- 2010 M.A., Comparative Literature, Binghamton University (State University of New York)
- 2008 B.A., Journalism (Japanese minor), National Cheng-Chi University
Chinese literature, film, and culture; upper-level Chinese language courses
2017-2021 Assistant Professor of Modern Languages, Chinese Coordinator, Carthage College
2017 Jan-May Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow of Comparative Literature and Asian Studies
Darwin’s fields of study include modern and contemporary Chinese and Japanese literature and culture, critical theory and literary theory, film, Asian and Eastern European postsocialism, as well as Asian American literature. His current book project, Collectivity after Socialism in Fictions of the Transpacific: Institutionalizing Aesthetics 1960-2010 examines how collectivity is imagined in the novels, films, television, documentaries, and comics of China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Japan and the U.S., five disparate geographical origins tied together by the recession of Chinese socialism and the rise of neoliberal globalization. Darwin’s most recent book chapter “Transition as Dysrhythmia: Luo Yijun, Generational Logic, and Taiwanese Post-postmodernism”, is forthcoming in the collection Remembering Transitions, edited by Ksenia Robbe and slated for publication by De Gruyter. A collaborative piece with Katherine Anne Keenan titled “Reading While Walking: A Reflection on Interdisciplinary Co-Teaching” appeared in Teaching Anthropology in 2020.
- 2018 The Krueger Fund for Faculty Development, Carthage College, Faculty Research, Scholarship, and Creativity Grant, Carthage College
- 2017 Professional Development Grant, Center for Advanced Language Proficiency Education and Research, Pennsylvania State University
- 2016 Keith R. Karako Program Fund in Asian Studies, College of Liberal Arts, Pennsylvania State University, Janssen Family Fund in Asian Studies, College of Liberal Arts, Pennsylvania State University
ASAP (association for the study of the arts of the present) Motherboard Member, Conference Liaison
ASAP/12 Conference Planning Committee