Jeffrey S. Carnes

Jeffrey S. Carnes
Associate Professor, Classics and Classical Civilizations, and Language Coordinator
Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
331 HB Crouse Hall
Classical Civilization
Classics (Latin or Greek emphasis)
Modern Foreign Languages
- Ph.D., Classics, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1986)
- B.A., Classics, Wayne State University (1979, summa cum laude)
- Intercollegiate Center for Classical Studies in Rome, Fall, 1977
Courses Taught
- GRE 101 Elementary Ancient Greek
- GRE 102 Elementary Ancient Greek
- GRE 310 Intermediate/Advanced Greek Prose
- GRE 320 Intermediate/Advanced Greek Poetry
- LAT 101 Elementary Latin
- LAT 102 Elementary Latin
- LAT 201 Intermediate Latin
- LAT 310 Advanced Latin Prose
- LAT 320 Advanced Latin Poetry
- LIT 101 Introduction to Greek Literature in Translation
- LIT 211 Greek and Roman Drama in Translation
- LIT 300 Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World
Professor Carnes specializes in Greek lyric poetry, particularly the work of Pindar, a 5th Century BCE composer of odes for victors in the major athletic festivals of the Greek world (including the Olympian Games). Carnes’ work examines the ways in which Pindar uses myth to promote the political agendas of his patrons’ home city-states. His other research interests include literary theory and gender studies.
- Associate Professor, Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Syracuse University, 1996-present.
- Assistant Professor, Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, Syracuse University, 1990-96.
- Visiting Assistant Professor, Brandeis University, 1985-87, 1989-90.
- Visiting Assistant Professor, Oberlin College, 1988-89.
‘Plato in the Courtroom: The Surprising Influence of the Symposium on Legal Theory,’ in Plato's Symposium: Issues in Interpretation and Reception, James Lesher, Debra Nails, Frisbee Sheffield, editors, Center for Hellenic Studies/Harvard University Press, 2006.
“‘Certain Intimate Conduct’: Classics, Constructionism and the Courts,” in Gender and Diversity in Place: Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Feminism and Classics,, 2004.
"Degenerate Neoptolemus: Praise Poetry and the Novelization of the Aeneid," 99-118 in Carnivalizing Difference: Bakhtin and the Other, P. Barta, P.A. Miller, C. Platter, and D. Shepherd, edd. Routledge Harwood Academic Publishers, 2001.
"The Tricker Tricked: A Reinterpretation of Nemean 4.57-58," Rheinisches Museum 142 (1999), 1-9.
"This Myth Which is not One: Construction of Discourse in Plato's Symposium," 104-21 in Rethinking Sexuality: Foucault and Classical Antiquity, edd. D.H.J. Larmour, P.A. Miller, C. Platter (Princeton University Press, 1997).
"Why Should I Mention Aiakos? Myth and Politics in Pindar's Nemean 8," Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica 51.3 (1995) 7-48 and 51.4 (1996) 83-92.
"The Ends of the Earth: Fathers, Ephebes and Wild Women in Nemean 4 and 5," Arethusa 29.1 (Winter, 1996) 15-55.
"With Friends Like These: Understanding the Mythic Background of Homer's Phaiakians," Ramus 22 (1993) 103-115.