Thiago dos Santos Cavali

Thiago dos Santos Cavali
Courtesy Research Professor
Thiago Cavali has a certificate in IT (2006-2009) and a Bachelor Degree in Electronics Engineering (2010-2014) at Federal University of Technology - Paraná (UTFPR) Campus Campo Mourão - Brazil. He also has a MSc degree in Electrical Engineering (2015-2017) from the Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering (PPGEE) at UTFPR Campus Cornélio Procópio - Brazil. He is currently pursuing his PhD degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Graduate Program in Electrical and Computer Engineering (CPGEI) at UTFPR Campus Curitiba - Brazil.
He has experience in:
* Quality analysis for industry based on ISO 9001 and ISO 13485 standards;
* Teaching for Electronics Engineering and Computing Systems Development;
* Mentoring for undergraduate students, especially as a co-founder and coordinator of the CiBeRForCE Research Group. This research group aims to help students with low to no experience learn more about their field of interest and gain experience in the area they wish to work in in the future;
* Participation and Coordination of research groups for projects in partnership with international institutions and companies;
* Consulting services for emerging startups, helping them to set their technical team and solve early technological challenges.