A&S Website URL Gets an Update
Change will make navigation more clear and intuitive.

Editor's Note: The following article was updated on July 12, 2023.
The name ("domain") you type into your browser for the College of Arts and Sciences' (A&S') website is now different.
Previous domain: thecollege.syr.edu
New domain: artsandsciences.syracuse.edu
Why the change? This change to a more intuitive name is in line with the University's effort to provide a better online user experience throughout its digital ecosystem. With their multiple audiences, university websites are known for their complexity. A more logical naming system helps users see the relationship between organizational units and their webpages. This approach will also allow A&S to effectively manage content and adapt to future needs within the digital landscape.
The big picture This new naming system will likely go unnoticed to most users as they navigate through the A&S website. All University domains will eventually be transitioned in a similar way. Standardizing URLs is an important element in creating a consistent experience across the University's teaching and learning, community engagement, research, and administrative functions. On the technical side, this consistent naming approach gives a site more "credibility" with search engines like Google, and thus helps people get more useful search results.
Will this affect my department in A&S? The URL change will likely be seamless and should not affect any website content or functionality. All old links will be automatically redirected to the new domain. All current addresses, links and bookmarks will still work as they have been for the time being.
Be aware: Certain pre-existing "redirects" will eventually sunset in July 2026. This includes “vanity” URLs (e.g., english.syr.edu) and redirects (e.g., old faculty profile redirects) put in place when the new A&S website launched in 2019.
To prepare for these old redirects sunsetting, departments should start changing their links incrementally, such as in print materials, email signatures, course materials, etc., before July 2026. Should you have any questions, please submit a request to the communications office contact form.