Arts and Sciences Takes Top Honors at Year-End Ceremonies
Students, faculty, alumni reap University's highest awards

2020 Senior Class Marshals (Syracuse University)
- Serena Ogie Evah Omo-Lamai (bioengineering in ECS, with a geography minor in A&S and Maxwell)*
- Kyle Rosenblum (psychology and policy studies in A&S and Maxwell)*
2020 Senior Class Marshal Alternate (University)
- Emerson Womble (citizenship and civic engagement, economics and political science in A&S and Maxwell)*
2019 Senior Class Marshals (University)
- Abigail Covington (writing studies, rhetoric and composition)*
- Danielle Schaf (anthropology in A&S and Maxwell; forensic science; and writing studies, rhetoric and composition)*
2019 Senior Class Marshal Alternate (University)
- Hendrik Hilpert (economics in A&S and Maxwell, and finance in Whitman)
2019 Senior Class Marshals (A&S)
- Dina Eldawy (international relations and citizenship and civic engagement in A&S and Maxwell)*
- Cristina Colón Feliciano (English and textual studies)*
- Nathan Shearn (anthropology and Russian language, literature and culture in A&S and Maxwell)*
Syracuse University Scholars
- Dina Eldawy (international relations and citizenship and civic engagement in A&S and Maxwell)*
- Yongna Lei (biochemistry)*
- Crystal Letona (communication and rhetorical studies in VPA, women’s and gender studies, and policy studies in A&S and Maxwell)*
- Martina Morris (biology)*
- Danielle Schaf (anthropology in A&S and Maxwell; forensic science; and writing studies, rhetoric and composition)*
- Nathan Shearn (anthropology in A&S and Maxwell)*
The following non-A&S Syracuse University Scholars are affiliated with The Renée Crown University Honors Program in A&S:
- Santita Ebangwese (bioengineering in ECS)*
- David Edelstein (broadcast and digital journalism in Newhouse)*
- Saniya More (broadcast and digital journalism in Newhouse)*
- Frank Richardson (aerospace engineering in ECS)*
- Noelle Rowe (human development and family science in Falk)*
The Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Student Research
- Wanyi Lu (Earth sciences)
The Chancellor's Forever Orange Award
- Peter Choi (political science and policy studies in A&S and Maxwell)*
The Chancellor’s Award for Public Engagement and Scholarship
- Arva Hassonjee (international relations and citizenship and civic engagement in A&S and Maxwell)*
- Elizabeth Tarangelo (biomedical engineering in A&S and Maxwell)*
Graduate Student Speaker
- Ebrar Mohammad (forensic science)
Master’s Prize
- Harleen Bagga (art history)
Mary Hatch Marshall Essay Award (for best essay by a graduate student in the humanities)
- Mark Muster (English)
Senior Student Speaker
- Dina Eldawy (international relations and citizenship and civic engagement in A&S and Maxwell)*
*Denotes membership in The Renée Crown University Honors Program
The Chancellor’s Citation for Faculty Excellence and Scholarly Distinction
- Laura Lautz, The Jessie Page Heroy Professor and chair of Earth sciences
The Laura J. and L. Douglas Meredith Professorship for Teaching Excellence
- Katharine (Kate) Lewis, professor of biology
Meredith Teaching Recognition Awards
- Sarah Fuchs, assistant professor of music history and cultures
- Shannon Houck, assistant teaching professor of psychology
- Robin Jones G’02, G’12, lecturer in neuroscience
- Christa Kelleher, assistant professor of Earth sciences (A&S and ECS)
- Tessa Murphy, assistant professor of history (A&S and Maxwell)
Award for Excellence in Master’s Level Teaching
- Kimberly Lamparelli, Gebbie Speech-Language clinic director and associate teaching professor of communication sciences and disorders
Wasserstrom Prize for Teaching Graduate Students
- Deborah Pellow, professor of anthropology in A&S and Maxwell
Excellence in Graduate Education Faculty Recognition Award
- Amanda Brown, associate professor of linguistics
- Jason Fridley, associate professor of biology
- Linda Ivany, professor of Earth sciences
- Krista Kennedy, associate professor of writing studies, rhetoric and composition
- Kathy Vander Werff, associate professor of communication sciences and disorders
The Chancellor's Medal
- Tim Green ’86, L’94
Doctor of Humane Letters
- Marvin Lender ’63
Undergraduate Convocation Speaker
- Nate Shanok ‘98