Annual Research Day 2025
Reminder to Register now for the Syracuse University Neuroscience and Health Behavior Research Day Conference!
Keynote Address
Dr. Yingxi Lin
Professor & Division Chief
Department Psychiatry, Neuroscience and Peter O’Donnell Jr. Brain Institute, UT Southwestern Medical Center
Talk Title: Nature and Nurture Converge in the Nucleus to Shape the Brain
Cosponsored by the Center of Health Behavior with support from the Department of Biology.
The Center for Health Behavior Research & Innovation (CHB) conducts cutting-edge research across a wide spectrum of areas related to health behaviors, mental and physical health conditions, and complex populations. Diverse methodologies are employed to advance understanding and develop innovative interventions that promote health and well-being.
From Molecules to Minds: The Interdisciplinary Neuroscience program at SU enhances the breadth and depth of training of multiple scientific disciplines. Our training faculty's research expertise is broad, incorporating molecular, cellular, developmental, systems, behavioral, and cognitive neuroscientific approaches to investigate basic, pre-clinical, translational, and clinical questions to unravel the relationship between brain and behavior.
Interdisciplinary neuroscience research faculties reside in departments across campus including The College of Arts and Science, The David B. Falk College of Sports and Human Dynamics, and The College of Engineering and Computer Science.
Program Committee
Kylie Harmon, Co-Chair (Exercise Science)
Lauren Mavica, Co-Chair (Biology)
Joseph Ditre (Psychology)
James Hewett (Biology)
Event date and location
Friday, April 18, 2025
Collegian Hotel and Suites
1060 E Genesee Street, Syracuse, NY 13210
Poster abstract submissions for student poster presentations will be accepted through Friday, April 4. Find the link for abstract submissions on the Eventbrite registration page.
Program Agenda
8:30am – 9:00am
Registration desk opens and continental breakfast available
9:00am – 9:05am
James Hewett (Executive Director, Neuroscience program)
Joe Ditre (Director, Center for Health Behavior Research & Innovation)
9:05am – 10:00am
Keynote Speaker
Yingxi Lin (UT Southwestern)
10:00am – 10:40am
Faculty: Aesoon Park (SU; Psychology)
10:40am – 10:55am
10:55am – 11:55am
Selected poster abstract oral presentations (15 min each)
11:55am – 12:40pm
Poster presentations: Posters with even numbers
12:40pm – 1:40pm
1:40pm – 2:25pm
Poster presentations: Posters with odd numbers
2:25pm – 3:00pm
Post-doc: JoCarol Shields (SU; Exercise Science)
3:00pm – 3:40pm
Faculty: Jonathan Preston (SU; Communication Sciences and Disorders)
3:40pm – 3:55pm
Closing Remarks