Neuroscience Annual Research Day

Orange Alert

Annual Research Day 2024

Friday, April 12, 2024

Reminder to Register now for the Tenth Annual Syracuse University Neuroscience Research Day Conference!

Keynote Addresses:

Dr. Eve DeRosa
Dean of Faculty and Professor
Department of Human Development, Cornell University

Dr. David Redish
Distinguished McKnight University Professor
Department of Neuroscience, University of Minnesota

From Molecules to Minds: The Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Group at SU enhances the breadth and depth of training of multiple scientific disciplines. Our training faculty's research expertise is broad, incorporating molecular, cellular, developmental, systems, behavioral, and cognitive neuroscientific approaches to investigate basic, pre-clinical, translational, and clinical questions to unravel the relationship between brain and behavior.

Interdisciplinary neuroscience research faculties reside in departments across campus including The College of Arts and Science, The David B. Falk College of Sports and Human Dynamics, and The College of Engineering and Computer Science.

Program Committee

Jeffrey Zemla, Co-Chair (Psychology)
Mirna Mihovilovic, Co-Chair (Physics)
Kylie Harmon (Exercise Science)
Lauren Mavica (Biology)
Elia Soto (Psychology)
Margaret Voss (Nutrition)

Tenth Annual Neuroscience Research Day

Friday, April 12, 2024

Goldstein Student Center / Rooms 201 ABC / South Campus

401 Skytop Rd, Syracuse, NY 13210

Program Agenda



8:30am – 9:00am
Registration desk opens and continental breakfast available

9:00am – 9:05am
James Hewett (Executive Director, Neuroscience program)

9:05am – 10:00am
1st Keynote Speaker
Eve DeRosa (Cornell University)

10:00am – 10:15am

10:15am – 10:40am
Faculty: Kylie Harmon (SU; Exercise Science)

10:40am - 11:40am
Selected poster abstract oral presentations (1.5 min each)

11:40pm – 12:25pm
Poster presentations: Posters with even numbers

12:25pm – 1:25pm

1:25pm – 2:10pm
Poster presentations: Posters with odd numbers

2:10pm – 2:35pm
Post-doc: Elia Soto (SU; Psychology)

2:35pm – 2:50pm

2:50pm – 3:15pm
Graduate student: Antoaneta Andonova (SU; Biology)

3:15pm – 3:40pm
Faculty: Gabrielle Sterne (University of Rochester Medical Center)

3:40pm – 4:35pm
2nd Keynote Speaker
David Redish (University of Minnesota; Neuroscience)

4:35pm – 4:45pm
Poster Awards and Closing Remarks