Ph.D. Student Wins American Chemical Society Award for Blood-Brain Barrier Research

Orange Alert

Ph.D. Student Wins American Chemical Society Award for Blood-Brain Barrier Research

Posted on: May 20, 2020

Nandhini Rajagopal, a biomedical and chemical engineering doctoral student in Professor Shikha Nangia’s research group in the College of Engineering and Computer Science, has won the American Chemical Society’s prestigious Chemical Computing Group Research Excellence Award. This award recognizes exceptional research conducted by graduate students in the field of computational chemistry. The winners of the award are chosen based on the quality and significance of the research. Rajagopal will receive financial support to present her work at the national ACS meeting in the fall.

Rajagopal obtained her master’s degree in mechanical engineering at Syracuse University before starting the Ph.D. program in biomedical and chemical engineering in 2016. She is the second student from the College of Engineering and Computer Science to receive the award; the first, Wenjuan Jiang G’16, a Nangia research group alumna, won the award in 2016.

Read more at SU News.