Molly Dunegan

Degree Year: 2019
After graduating with my M.S. in Biomedical Forensic Science from Syracuse University in 2019, I began my career at the Defense Forensic Science Center (DFSC) as a forensic biologist. At DFSC, I am able to conduct forensic DNA examinations of cases for the Department of Defense, as part of an incredible team that deploys all over the world to assist with forensic casework in real-time in the field. It is a fast-paced and challenging position in a program that is internationally accredited, so I was grateful to have been so well prepared from my time spent at SU. Through my research within the FNSSI lab- I learned and perfected lab skills and techniques that are vital to any forensic position, how to think critically and understand that every failure is a door to a new learning opportunity, how to write and critique scientific literature, and most importantly I was able to build professional relationships with mentors and colleagues that felt more like a family. I went on to present the research both within the organization and at a regional forensic conference, which prepared me for oral boards and presentations in my career today. The freedom to choose from a wide variety of courses within the program really allowed me to explore areas of interest and expand my academic knowledge in the scientific field. I learned resume and interview skills from the career center and professors under which I was a TA, and was able to give back by helping to teach both graduate and undergraduate students in forensic and biology classes.