Orange Alert

Emily Ortega

Emily Ortega

Degree Year: 2023

Q: When did you join the M.S. in Forensic Science and when did you graduate?
A: I joined the program in fall of 2021 and graduated spring 2023.
Q: Why did you choose the M.S. in Forensic Science at Syracuse University?
A: I chose the program at Syracuse University because I really liked the campus when I toured it and when I interviewed, I felt that it would be a good fit for me. I also liked the variety of courses the program offered.
Q: Who did you do your internship/research and how was it?
A: I did my research with Dr. Sponsler and it was very interesting experience as it was in a subject that I never had worked in before.
Q: Where are you working at the moment?
A: I am working as a forensic toxicologist in the Special Forensic Toxicology Drug Testing Laboratory (SFTDTL) in the Armed Forces Medical Examiner System (AFMES).
Q: How do you apply the knowledge acquired in the M.S. in Forensic Science in your work?
A: I use the knowledge that I acquired in the program whenever I am handling specimens, extracting or performing instrument maintenance, which is usually everyday.
Q: What was a major advantage of having done your master's at Syracuse that has helped you at your current position?
A: I would say the major advantage was being able to learn from the professors that have worked or are still currently working in the field and being able to take from their experience and apply it to my own learning and now my own experiences.