Serene Masri

Orange Alert

Serene Masri

Serene Masri

Serene Masri

Ph.D. Student and Teaching Assistant



Office: 315.443.2173

Biographic Overview

Degree: Began PhD program in 2024
Concentration: Arab American Literature, Critical Race and Ethnic Studies, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Advisor: Professor Antonio T. Tiongson Jr.

Serene Masri is a PhD student whose research focuses on multi-ethnic literature, particularly Arab/Arab American literature and Indigenous literature, and representations of it through post-colonial, environmental, queer, and feminist critical lenses. She aims to study the effect colonialism and imperialism have had on defining concepts of identity, sexuality, femininity, and masculinity for the colonial power and the colonial subject throughout the colonial regime and following its dismantlement. In addition, she is interested in studying the continuation of colonial practices through settler colonialism and the continued impact this has had on concepts of identity and the environment for Indigenous communities.

  • B.A. English, University of South Florida