Communication Sciences & Disorders Statement on Facilitated Communication
In accordance with our accreditation by the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA),
- We affirm that all individuals have the right to communicate.
- We affirm that client perspectives, external and internal evidence, and clinical expertise are pillars to evidence-based practice.
- We support the use of evidence-based treatment approaches for augmentative and alternative communication instruction, including but not limited to: augmented input or “aided language stimulation”, core vocabulary, language acquisition through motor planning (LAMP), picture exchange communication system (PECS), and visual prompting strategies. We support various methods to access those systems that encourage independence in communicating.
- We affirm ASHA’s position on Facilitated Communication. Specifically, we do not advocate for approaches, such as Facilitated Communication, where there is ambiguity regarding whether the client or a “facilitator” is the source of a message.