Minor in Classical Civilization
The Minor in Classical Civilization requires 18 credits chosen from the Classical Civilization Course List (see below). At least 12 credits must come from courses numbered 300 and above; in addition, at least two courses must come from among the courses taught within the Classics program (those with the prefixes LAT, GRE, and LIT). Other courses related to the ancient world may be substituted with the approval of the program director.
Classical Civilization Course List
GRE 101 Ancient Greek I
GRE 102 Ancient Greek II
GRE 201 Ancient Greek III
GRE 310 Greek Prose Authors
GRE 320 Readings from Greek Poets
GRE 410 Advanced Greek Prose
GRE 420 Advanced Greek Poetry
LAT 101 Latin I
LAT 102 Latin II
LAT 201 Latin III
LAT 310 Latin Prose Authors
LAT 320 Latin Poets
LAT 410 Advanced Latin Prose
LAT 420 Advanced Latin Poetry
LIT (Literature in Translation)
LIT 101 Introduction to Classical Literature (Greek)
LIT 102 Introduction to Classical Literature (Latin)
LIT 203 Greek and roman Epic in English Translation
LIT 211 Greek and Roman Drama in English Translation
LIT 300.2 A Greek Odyssey (offered in Florence)
LIT/REL 421 Classical Mythology (offered in Florence)
ANT 141 Introduction to Archaeology and Prehistory
ANT 145 Introduction to Historical Archeology
ANT 346 Gender Through the Ages
ANT 348 History of Archaeology
HST 210 The Ancient World
HST 310 Early Medieval Europe
HST 352 History of Ancient Greece
HST 353 History of Ancient Rome
HST 401 Roman Imperialism
HST 401 Herodotus and the Persian Wars
HOA 105 Arts and Ideas I
HOA 301 Origins of Western Art
HOA 302 Greek Art and Architecture
HOA 303 Etruscans and Romans (offered in Florence)
HOA 304 Roman Art and Architecture
LIN 201 The Nature and Study of Language
LIN 202 Languages of the World
PHI 111 Plato’s Republic
PHI 307 Ancient Philosophy
PHI 415 Roots of Western Civilization (offered in Madrid)
REL 205 Ancient Greek Religion
REL 206 Greco-Roman Religion
REL 217 New Testament
REL 294 Mythologies
REL 309 Early Christianities
REL/LIT 421 Classical Mythology (offered in Florence)

Jeffrey S. Carnes