By: Patricia Roylance
On January 24, members of the Coronat Program community gathered for a “Senior Spill” event, in which senior Coronat Scholars generously shared their insights about navigating Syracuse University as a Coronat Scholar and how to get the most out of your college experience. The following seniors talked about their academic paths as well as their extracurricular experiences: Luke Eliott (citizenship and civic engagement, public relations; minor in sport management), Abi Greenfield (history, political philosophy; minors in art history and political science), Mark Nzasi (neuroscience and psychology) and Evelina Torres (political science, citizenship and civic engagement; minor in geography).
Topics included “dos” and “don’ts” within specific academic tracks, ways to seek funding for research and other projects, the importance of cultivating a supportive network, being open to new opportunities while still understanding when it makes sense to say no to an opportunity, the evolution of friendships and the need for time to rest and relax. Over pizza and soft drinks, the assembled first-years, sophomores, and juniors had a chance to ask questions as well as to offer their own insights. The resulting conversation was a testament to the diverse experiences and collective wisdom of the Coronat Scholars community. Thank you to the seniors for sharing your time and insights!