Spring '20 Magazine
Spring 2020 brought unimaginable challenges to our world. That reality inspired our digital magazine's spring theme, which is all about seeing things in new ways. So browse through, and bring something new into focus.
Heads and Hearts
Can the health humanities heal what ails medical care?
A Source of Strength
What a doctor, a judge and a developer-philanthropist found critical to their career success.
Unlocking the "Great Unread"
How the digital humanities are reexamining literature, history and technology.
Peptides by Lunchtime
Developing a drug to fight diabetes and obesity in veterans.
When you make a gift to the College of Arts and Sciences, you strengthen the liberal arts and support a holistic education that cultivates critical thinking, communication, problem solving and lifelong learning—invaluable attributes for every field. Make a gift today.
A&S is approaching a milestone birthday in the coming months. Stay tuned for more information and how you can be part of the fun!
A&S researchers and thinkers have recently been quoted or published in a wide range of influential publications on topics ranging from human touch to giant claws. Browse through these media hits for a new perspective on timely topics.
Coming Into Focus
Powerful exhibitions recently curated by A&S faculty and student
A&S Bookshelf
In this semester’s Bookshelf, find new perspectives on people (fictitious and real), cultural phenomena and nature in the following selection of recent books by A&S faculty and alumni.
Could you keep up?
Here’s what one Leadership Scholar’s planner might look like, based on actual Scholars’ activities. Think you could do all this?
Welcome, New Advisory Board Members!
Dean Karin Ruhlandt recently welcomed eight new members to the Dean’s Advisory Board of the College of Arts and Sciences (A&S).