Fall '21 Magazine
Taking Back History, Owning the Future: the A&S Ethos
Earlier this fall, nearly 150 Arts and Sciences graduates attended their pandemic-delayed 2020 Commencement. Returning to campus months after their studies ended shows how connected these young alumni are to the A&S community of achievement. Like the generations of A&S students who came before them, and those who will come after, these students had a fire to make the world healthier, more hopeful and more human. In this issue, you'll see so many examples of the A&S family doing just that by addressing past injustices and solving today's challenges. We all may bleed orange, but all A&S hearts beat with the ethos of intellectual fearlessness and ethical action.
As always, stay up-to-date by checking the A&S news page and following us on social media (search @ArtsSciencesSU).
Featured Stories

Taking Back History
A&S scholars are uncovering historic and cultural truths around the world, thanks to some of the nation’s most preeminent fellowships.

Honoring Lives Lost
Syracuse students take action to help a relative of Holocaust victims learn about his family’s past.

Sensing Solutions
Researchers in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders use state-of-the-art technology to understand and address communication challenges.

Energy and Momentum
Faculty, local teachers and high school students share their passion for physics.
More from this issue

Being the Change
Jazmine Richardson ’22, a biotechnology and African American studies major in A&S, is taking an interdisciplinary approach to addressing inequity in health care.

Catch the Campus Buzz
From welcoming back the class of 2020 for a commencement celebration to hosting parents and siblings for 2021 Family Weekend, campus has been abuzz with activity. Check out some photographic highlights!

Fall 2021 Bookshelf
Replenish your reading list with these recent works by faculty authors in the creative writing program of the Department of English.

A&S In The News
Arts and Sciences faculty offer insight and expert advice on the latest cultural currents and world events.

Remembering Sheldon Stone
A&S mourns the loss of Sheldon Stone, Distinguished Professor of Physics who taught at Syracuse for 30 years. Read about Professor Stone's career and contributions to the field of particle physics.

An Expedition to a Volcanic Hot Spot
Faculty and students from the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences recently visited an iconic volcanic hot spot in Iceland thanks to the support from generous A&S alumni.