Orange Alert


The College of Arts and Sciences is home to internationally recognized research across and between disciplines. Areas of discovery from Shakespeare to gravitational waves help frame new conceptions of the physical world and the human experience, while creating innovative solutions to the critical challenges facing us today.

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Recent Updates
Person addressing a large crowd of people.

(May 9, 2024)

Engaged Humanities Network Holds Showcase Highlighting Collaborative Community Work

The inaugural event at the Salt City Market included presentations and demonstrations by students, faculty and community members from over 20 different departments and organizations across Syracuse University and Central New York.

Exterior of a brick building.

(May 9, 2024)

Psychology Makes a Big Move

Take a virtual walk-through of the newly renovated Marley Building, the centralized home for the Department of Psychology’s research, learning and counseling activities.

Claudia Kinkela standing at a podium.

(May 3, 2024)

From Proposal to Publication: CNY Humanities Corridor Nurtures Faculty Scholarship

2023-24’s supportive initiatives included first-ever campus visit from NEH official Claudia Kinkela, Minnowbrook writing retreat, panel discussion on open-access publishing and workshop to jumpstart summer writing.

Chris Santangelo portrait

(May 2, 2024)

2024 Wasserstrom Prize for Graduate Teaching Presented to Physics Professor Christian Santangelo

Award given in memory of noted professor of English William Wasserstrom.

Packrats in a midden nest.

(April 30, 2024)

A&S Biologist Calls for Protection and More Studies of Natural Time Capsules of Climate Change

Ancient rodent nests—or middens—offer critical ecological and evolutionary archives of the last 50,000 years. Katie Becklin helps lead an effort for midden preservation and study.