Uday Banerjee - Generalized finite element methods, elliptic PDE
Pinyuen Chen - Statistical signal processing, ranking and selection theory
Dan Coman - Complex analysis, pluripotential theory, dynamics
Steven Diaz - Algebraic geometry of curve families
Nicole Fonger - Mathematics education
Pierre Yves Gaudreau Lamarre - Probability, functional analysis, and mathematical physics
Jack Graver - Combinatorics, graph theory
Duane Graysay - Mathematics education
Lee Kennard - Riemannian geometry, algebraic topology, symmetry
Hyune-Ju Kim - Statistics, change-point problems, regression model selection
Leonid Kovalev - Geometric mapping theory, metric spaces
Graham Leuschke - Commutative algebra, non-commutative algebraic geometry
Wei Li - Nonparametric and semiparametric models, Bayesian inference
Jianxuan Liu - Semiparametrics, causal inference, measurement error models, high dimensional data, case-control studies
Adam Lutoborski - Variational problems, optimization on matrix manifolds
Joanna Masingila - Out-of-school mathematics practice, teacher development
Claudia Miller - Commutative algebra, connections with algebraic geometry
Jani Onninen - Nonlinear analysis, geometric function theory
Josh Pollitz - Commutative algebra and homological algebra
Declan Quinn - Noncommutative rings, Galois theory, Hopf algebras
Lixin Shen - Applied harmonic analysis, wavelets, image processing
Gregory Verchota - Singular integrals, elliptic PDE in nonsmooth domains
Stephan Wehrli - Low-dimensional topology, knots and links
William Wylie - Riemannian geometry, geometric analysis
Yuan Yuan - Complex geometry and several complex variables
Yiming Zhao - Convex geometry, geometric analysis, partial differential equations
The list of recent publications is available at MathSciNet